Piano Man

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A one shot where Harry is an assistant choir teacher and Louis plays piano. 


"Louis' coming today right?" Harry asks. Zayn rolls his eyes at him as spins around in his chair. Zayn was in the middle of marking a new piece of music for his girls to sing after their concert on Monday, but Harry had been interrupting him constantly. 

"I've told you that twice today. It wouldn't kill you to listen more," Zayn snaps. Harry rolls his eyes at his snappy boss. It didn't matter how much he liked Zayn, because by next year this spot would be his anyway. 

They sit in silence a while longer, Zayn concentrating on his music annotations whilst Harry pondered about Louis' arrival. Harry had this day on his calendar, of course he had been worried Zayn was going to cancel last minute like he tended to do. Harry made sure to wear his extra fitting black skinny jeans and a loose button down that complimented him. He couldn't be looking shabby for the piano player.

He checked the clock. There was 5 minutes before first period started. First period was always used as a practice for Louis when he had to be the accompanists for the choirs. It was great because that meant that it was just him, Zayn, and Louis. 

The door opened just as the bell rang. Harry's heart sped up as he say Louis walk in. He had grown out his beard since the last time he played for them. He carried a messenger bag and a pencil was behind his ear. He smiled at Harry as he entered. 

"Nice of you to show up," Zayn says. Louis rolls his eyes at Zayn and takes a place at the piano. Harry didn't want to seem too eager to jump to Louis' side, so he took a seat in one of the empty chairs on the raisers. Louis pulled out his music and opened it to the first page. 

"Harry can you flip pages for me?" Louis asks, turning to Harry for help. Harry beams as he stands and pulls a chair next to Louis. Harry smiled at Louis as he began the piece with Zayn conducting him. Harry flipped the pages for Louis as he needed to. When the reached the end of the first song Zayn just nodded at Louis. Zayn usually had a whole list of things that he did wrong, but Harry guessed Louis had practiced a lot. 

They finished all 8 pieces in record time, leaving about 10 minutes before the period ended. That was good for them considering Zayn was normally nitpicky about how he wanted the piece played. This typically left the three at a point where they hadn't even finished the pieces before the end of the period. 

"Nice work Louis. I'm sure the girls will be excited to see you," Zayn huffs as he takes a seat in his chair. Louis shrugs at him, not sure what to say to that. Harry knows he should probably move his chair back now that he didn't have to turn pages for Louis, but he couldn't bring himself to do so. He sneaks a glance at Louis and blushes as he's caught. The two look at each other a moment longer. Louis notices Harry's eyes flicker to his lips and he coughs. 

"What are you guys doing for lunch? I forgot mine at home," Louis asks. Zayn shakes his head and crosses his arms. 

"Not surprised," Zayn huffs. Louis glares at him as he turns to Harry and smiles. Louis would never admit it, but he had a crush on the assistant. He had always looked forward to playing for the school even though the director was cunt. The only real reason he would mess up while playing was because Harry was there and he got too nervous. After awhile he got used to it, but the first time was always the worst. 

"It's fine, we can go to lunch together if you want. I wanted to try out this new deli place up the street anyway," Harry suggests. Louis practically beams at him, wanting nothing more than to hang out with Harry.

Little did Louis know, Harry felt the same way. 


The bell rang, signaling lunch. Louis huffs leaning back on his bench as the kids run for their bags, hoping to get a good spot in the lunch line. When the last kid leaves Zayn storms off to his office, slamming the door. 

"Ready to go?" Harry asks Louis. Louis nods, standing and stretching a bit. His butt was sore from sitting on the wood for so long and his fingers were cramping from playing over and over again with hardly any breaks.

"Yeah," Louis sighs, picking up his bag and following Harry to the door. He watched as Harry's hips swayed when he walked. Those jeans had to be out of dress code. He wouldn't believe the school actually let Harry parade around in them considering how tight they were. 

"What do you think the concert will be like?" Harry asks as Harry turns onto the street. Louis shrugs. He was too focused on Harry and his piano work to focus on the singing, but he knew that his answer would mean a lot to Harry. 

"Good. They sound great! You've done an amazing job with everything," Louis compliments. Harry felt a blush crawl up his cheeks. Even though Zayn took most of the credit for their work, Harry had done a lot of the teaching, especially in the beginning when the students first got the music. He was the one that showed them the way while Zayn was off doing something else. 

"We're here," Harry mutters as he pulls into the shop and parks. Harry steps out and waits for Louis before continuing inside. Harry notices a few of the kids from the choir in line ordering and curses under his breath. He couldn't be seen with Louis outside of school; people may think something was going on between the two if they did. 

"Mr. Styles! It's Jady! Is that Louis? Hey Louis!" Louis smiles at the girl who stood a little ways in front of them. He didn't know many of the students names, but he knew Jady's. It was probably because she was always getting in trouble and being called out by Zayn for the smallest of things. 

"Hi Jady," Louis waves back at the girl who turns to her friend and giggles. Louis and Harry order their meal and it comes out almost immediately. They take a seat towards the back of the shop away from the others. 

"So, uh...you seeing anyone?" Louis tries to make his questions seem light hearted, but by the look on Harry's face he had certainly shocked the man. 

"I'm sorry...what? Oh...uh...no? I mean I'm not really...looking I guess. Not many single...gay men out there," Harry explains awkwardly. 

"I've having the same problem," Louis says. His eyes widen a moment after he says it and gives Harry an apologetic look. 

"Maybe we can fix that. Here's my number." Harry says, smiling as he wrote down his number on a napkin and passed it to Louis. 


Hey guys! Kinda an interesting one. Hope you enjoyed! ~B   

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