Truth or Drink

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A one shot where Harry and Louis play a little game called Truth or Drink. 


It was late at night and Louis and Harry were home alone. They didn't live together technically, but they were always together. Either of them could tell you the other's whereabouts at any given time of the day, which scared most people, but to them it was normal. 

"Harry, we should play a game, I'm bored." Louis sighs. They were lying on Louis' bed, looking at the ceiling. They never really liked going out and partying, both preferred staying in and watching a movie together or something. Not in a romantic way either, they were always platonic. Neither of them ever tried hooking up with other in any way, that's just not how it went with them. 

"You're always bored, but what is it?" Harry asks, turning around to look at Louis. Louis props himself up with his elbow and gives Harry and wicked smile. 

Harry takes this moment to appreciate Louis' features. Just because he hadn't ever acted on his feelings didn't mean they weren't there. Harry had always felt something between them. They had been friends forever though and his wanting to be his friend always went before his wanting to be romantically involved. 

If asked, Harry would say his favorite feature on Louis would be his jaw line. Damn Harry had dreamed about kissing that damn jaw line. Not that he would ever attempt it, Louis was probably one of the straightest guys he knew and Harry was confused with the feelings as they were. Louis' hair was messy from lying on the bed, but he suited it, as he always did. Harry smiles at him. 

"I saw one of my pals play it. It's called truth of drink. We ask each other questions and if you don't want to answer you have a to drink." Louis explains, pulling out a bottle of vodka. Harry rolls his eyes, he hated vodka. Drinking as a whole was something Harry never enjoyed, but he would give in for a night he guessed. 

"Okay, you first, then." Louis pulls out a shot glass and sets it on his night time table next to the bottle. He thinks for a moment before responding. 

"When was the last time you had sex?" Louis asks, snickering a bit. Harry wanted to slap the guy. Louis knew that Harry's sex life wasn't doing really great right now. It wasn't that he couldn't get the girls, I mean he was a pretty hot guy if he said so himself, but he had been doubting his sexuality lately and he didn't feel into it. He was too scared to do it with a guy and just never got into it when it was a chick, but he didn't dare tell Louis that.

"Come on, mate, you know it's been a while!" Harry complains, playfully punching Louis in the shoulder. Louis laughs at him. 

"Do you need the vodka?" He gestures to the bottle and laughs again. Harry glances at the bottle knowing how much he hated vodka and how low his alcohol tolerance was. He decided it wouldn't be the best idea to get drunk or something over a silly question. 

"6 months." Harry mutters. Louis' eyes widen in shock and his mouth fell open. Harry throws a pillow at him. Louis laughs his loudest and most Louis laugh that Harry had ever heard. He watches as Louis laughs like no tomorrow and he knows that he had a crush on him. Moments like these had slowly turned from platonic to romantic for Harry and that was dangerous. 

"OMG, you...I'm so...My god!" Louis says in between his cackles. Harry rolls his eyes and punches him in the arm. 

"Okay, Mr. Sex god, who was the last person you hooked up with?" Harry teases. Louis' laughs suddenly slow down as he looks at Harry as if he had just told him horrid news. Louis gulps and his cheeks turn pink. He grabs the vodka in one swift motion and pours a shot. He downs in a second later, his face scrunching at the sour taste. 

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