Chapter 5

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"Oo oh ohhhh Let's play Never have I ever!" Clare exclaimed, after the three young adults spent the last 3 hours gorging themselves with any kind of fattening greasy unhealthy foods they could find in the house.

"Oh God! Not that dreadful game again! I swear that game was made to torture me!" Harry groaned rubbing slow circles on his slightly protruding tummy. The moth glistening on his tummy made the act look very weird. He had lost his shirt in the midst of a fight with Niall over a bucket of chicken. He lost ... but then he found a tray of uneaten lasagna in Niall's oven so he wasn't too bitter about his loss.

"Well, in all honesty, you are an easy target for the game Harry." Niall responded. He was lying on his stomach in hopes that the position would stop his belly stop from aching so much. He ate one too many chicken wings; The Horan appetite strikes again!

"Wow bro, Thanks for having my back. You know I always considered you my wing man."

"Nah Harry, you know I will always have your back. I'm just saying that your adventurous nature makes sure that there is a lot to pick on about you. You have already tackled the cougars, have been seen peeing in public, have nudes circulating on the internet – which you released by yourself if I might remind you - Have been seeing going to hotels for one night stands, vomited in public and many other. And yet you haven't tuned 25 yet. How are the game players supposed to ignore that long history?"

"You know half of those are not even true."

"So you don't have one night stands?" Deo asked sprawled on his stomach on the coffee table in sitting room there were in.

"Is that all you caught Deo?" Clare chastised.

"Well I am a man, what else was I supposed to get?" Deo answered lazily reaching for a stray piece of chicken that had somehow escaped from being consumed by Niall.

"Just to put it out there, I didn't have a one night stand." Harry said, cutting off Clare who had her mouth open and a hand balled into a determined fist. She was probably go into a 'all men are pigs' tryst'.

"So you didn't bang that model you got caught with at a hotel?" Niall asked for confirmation.

"Not per se." Harry responded with a flip of his hair.

"It's either you slept with her or you didn't Harold." Clare glared at Harry through slits of her eyes. Or it could be that her eye makeup was too heavy for her eyes, no one could really tell.

"I didn't sleep with her. And my name is Harry." Harry responded, sending a pillow flying into Clare's face.

"Wait .. so you didn't have a one night stand with her?" Niall asked again.

"Oh come on stop ... I'm too naked for this. Did you bang the chick or not?" Deo asked munching away at the chicken. And indeed he was naked. He lost his clothes about an hour again when the pot he smoked was taking effect, he claimed that the minute he put on any article of clothes he started sweating like a ' virgin in front of a whore house.' Deo's words, not his.

"I didn't sleep with her technically, but we did do ... other things." Harry said, blushing ferociously from the admission.

"Hey man! Don't be ashamed of that. You are a hot blooded male that happens to be very attractive. Not as attractive as me but attractive enough. You have needs that need to be taken care of and she was willing." Deo lectured Harry like he was the therapist of the century.

"M'not." Harry said with a quick nervous glance in Niall's direction.

"So ... does that count as a one night stand or not?" Clare asked with a serious expression on her face.

"Well I think that it depends on the 'other things' you did." Deo said making quotes with his hands, making Harry go red in the face.

Niall enjoying Harry awkward predicament urged Clare and Deo on." True, because sleeping can be classified under 'other things.'"

With a firm nod in Niall's direction, Clare said "True, true. Eating is also under 'other things'."

"And watching the game on the hotel bar's Telly." Deo voiced.

"You want me to specify?!" Harry said horrified.

The three Horans' in his company, gave him a duh look, though Niall's was weak because he was trying to hold in his laughter.

"You are fooking kidding me." Harry said, pressing his index finger and thumb either side of the bridge of his nose. He rubbed there hopping it will lessen the headache he felt coming on in a rage.

"Come on Harold. It's not like any of us are innocent little virgins who don't know or have given a blowjob. Well gotten one in your cases." Clare whined swinging the pillow he had hit her with, into his side.

"Well, if you know, why do you need me to say it?!" Harry asked exasperated.

"To make sure that we are thinking of the correct things!" Niall said, holding in his laugh but unable to hide his huge grin.

Harry narrowed his at him. Hopping that he could really hate him, but he couldn't because he loved seeing that huge genuine grin on Niall's face. If you made Niall smile to the point where his cute little dimple showed that had somehow burrowed itself in his right cheek as he filled into his frame, then you knew he really liked you. And his goal in life was to be liked by Niall.

"Clare you said Bruno Mars is performing today?" Harry asked trying to steer the conversion off the dangerous path it already was on.

"Yeah! He is playing in that huge park that is opposite Dublin hotel. I wish I had found out sooner and made Niall buy us tickets." Clare said, the pout in her voice transferring to her painted thin lips.

"Why would I have to buy for you guys the tickets? I would have made you buy them yourselves!" Niall said opening one eye to glare at his gold digging cousin.

"Because you get paid thousands a day and we are freaking broke!" Deo said, crawling on his stomach trying to get to the remote lying on the shag carpet.

"Well it's my money and I work hard for it. None of you are getting a nickel." Niall muttered petulantly.

Harry smiled at the irony of it all. Niall already had a fund for Theo's college tuition. Clare was going to be staying at his second condo when she went to London for beauty school and Deo's bills were practically paid by Niall.

Deo and Clare started whining and complaining simultaneously time about how their only rich blood relatives was stingy as fuck. It went on for about an hour until finally Niall couldn't take it anymore and begged Harry to drop Deo and Clare at the house on his way to the hotel.

Harry racked his brain for excuses that would permit him stay a little longer but it looked like he didn't have to because Niall started packing an overnight bag the minute Harry called Ibrahim to come and pick him up.

When Ibrahim honked, Niall was a ready to go, ignoring the glares that his cousins were sending him. They all climbed into the car with a greeting to the driver who looked more relaxed unlike the first time he saw him.

Deo and Clare were dropped off en route and they arrived at the hotel as the sun was winking its final goodbyes in the horizon and as the Bruno and his band were tinkering with their instruments in preparation of their show ahead.

"I guess we are going to get a free show then." Harry said with a smile.

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