Chapter 50

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Niall and Harry finally managed to drag their butts out of their room after a shared shower late in the morning.

The boys were congregated around the table, their heads lowered in a conspiracy. Their whispers came to a stop when Harry and Niall edged the dining area.

Harry sent them a questioning look and Niall was too bothered by his empty stomach to care. He opted to go and scrounge up some breakfast for him and Harry.

"And then?" Harry asked. A heavy blanket of silence covered the room. The only sound to be heard was the scraping sounds of Niall piling food into two separate plates.

Julian cleared his throat." I think we need to prose an intervention."

"For who?" Niall asked this time. He hands Harry his plate before pulling the jar of OJ towards them.

"For you two. The amount of sex you are having is getting in the way of our job."

Niall chuckles around a full mouth and started choking on his beans and toast.

Harry thumbed his back without even looking at him. The man chocked on food more often than not. " Oh? Y'all just jealous."

"Yes, we are. So you better do something about it or we will take out our frustration on your album." Julian folded his arms on his chest. Fedora already perched on his head despite the fact that he was indoors. If Harry's mum was there she would be having an aneurysm at his lack of manners.

"No need for sabotage boys. I'm will be out of your hair by tomorrow." Niall had already finished his and was sending Harry's untouched plate wistful looks as he talked.

Harry slid his plat over without a word.

"Aww. Going back already?" Mitch asked, finally saying his first words of the day.

"Yeah. My first just got released. Gotta go do promo and all that other boring stuff."

"Shame. I was getting used to living with a live-in maid." Julian sulked.

"Well keep pissing this live-in maid and I will burn your clothes before I leave." Niall threw a serviette at Julian.

"I wanna hear the song," Mitch said, back again with short, quiet sentences.

"It's online. Go check it out. I need to pop in at Jace's and say bye.

Harry cast him those green peppers on display. His sad puppy dog eyes in full force as looked at Niall pleadingly. He edged his seat toward the Irish lad and whimpered pitifully. It was pretty clear that he didn't want Niall to leave.

"Byeeee." Niall said mockingly and kissed Harry's pouting lips." I will be back in about fifteen minutes and you can have me all to yourself once again."

Niall kissed the protest on Harry's lips away. He tried again to say his piece but Niall swallowed the words with a moan as he got up from the chair. Harry sufficiently distracted by the tingling on his lips reached up for another one to which Niall obliged willingly.

He rested his right arm on Harry's chair so he could lean over him and kiss him back without straining anything. Harry arched his back, raised his booty from the chair to meet Niall lips halfway. He licked into Niall's mouth, tasting the OJ he had used to wash down both their breakfast.

"15 minutes?" Harry murmured against his lips.

"30 minutes tops." Niall specified.

"I can deal with that." Giving him one last kiss, he went to grab his wallet and phone and headed to the bar once again.

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