Chapter 9

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Harry stood ramrod straight and stoic in his bedroom, throwing a glare at the phone clutched in his hand as it rang like he was a professional glarer. He silently dared it to give way to that obnoxious voice again.

"Sorry but the number you are dialing...". Fuck that Stupid voice!

With a cry of outrage Harry the phone onto the floor, but of course it had to drop on his foot with a mighty bang. He couldn't even get satisfaction of seeing it smash into smithereens because his foot absorbed the impact saving the good for nothing phone from its splintery end and sending the nerves in his foot to their end instead.

Harry howl with an awkward gait to his massive unmade bed and threw himself in it. Mumbling nonsensical words to no one in particular, he balled himself in a fetal position on the velvety soft sheets. He knew he had to ice his foot or it was going to hurt him like a bitch for the next few days but he really didn't feel like living his depressingly dark room.

The curtains in the room were tightly closed; Harry made sure not even a stray ray would advance into his room and disturb his foul mood. He notified the hotel that he wouldn't require any cleaning for the next few days and the result was disastrous.

The room didn't smell bad but it was stuffy and untidy. His used clothes were at the bottom of the closet and the clean clothes were probably dirty by now considering there lying on the dirty floor.

Four freaking days.

Four Mother Fucking days of calling and calling and calling Niall.

Four Mother Fucking days of him refusing and refusing and refusing to answer his calls.

He gets it, he really does. It's not easy to suddenly realize that willingly you slept with your best friend; though you had always said you are a full blooded heterosexual male. He gets it.

He. Fucking. Gets. it.

But he also gets the fact that there is something called manners. If Niall wasn't ready to talk to Harry yet, then he should have just answered one of his calls and told him straight up or maybe even left a voice message he didn't want to talk to him.

Now he felt mad.

I mean come on! Five years of being best friends and talking constantly even when they were away from each other and he decides to give the silent treatment. Over something they both did! Whilst sober by the way! He doesn't want to manipulate him back in bed. He just wants to talk about what happened! ...But what if he never talked to Harry again. What if he decided that this was too much, and then quit the band, decides to go solo and marry some pretty long haired brunette with green eyes? And he isn't thinking about himself too because the brunette would be a girl.

Now he was felt hopeless.

Was Harry stupid to come all the way to Ireland to pursue something that would never be? Maybe he should have let it alone. The 'it' being the chemistry being him and Niall. Maybe he should just pack his bags right now and go to Cheshire and spend the rest of the holiday with his sister and mother instead. And the next time that he and Niall are in the same room, pretend like all this was an early April Fools Prank or something.

That would be so easy.

He should just take the easy way out and uncomplicate this situation but in his hearts of hearts he knew he couldn't. He would regret not pursuing Niall in the future. He'd rather get rejected by Niall than living the rest of his life wondering what could have happened between him and the blonde boy.

He knew he couldn't take the easy way out because he missed Niall. Now and when he had tried to distance himself from Niall earlier that year.

He missed Niall. With all his heart.

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