Chapter 22

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Freaking writers block + school = A frustrated Gerry.

I hate school. I really do. It is the reason I cant update as much as I want to now.

I will try my best to upload at least one chapter a week.

If I don't, feel free to abuse me on my profile.


Heat. Freaking L.A heat had him questioning his sanity.

Harry couldn't believe it was raining just a few days earlier. Now the heat was bearing down their backs, reminding them that they were insignificant pests that had no control over the weather in any way despite of our many inventions As humans.

There was only respite. And the good people of L.A. seemed to be taking advantage of it.

Not a soul was in sight. The only thing accompanying Harry as he worked steadily through his plan were the faraway cries of birds and the occasional rustling of the trees when that rare breeze teases the town with the smell of the sea.

Harry really wished that he was back in his living room that was submerged in air conditioning. But alas, here he was up atop a little hill tucked precariously behind a shrubby area. It wasn't a secret nook nor was it the highest hill along the trails behind the cul-de-sac but its view was killer.

Harry was really surprised to realize that not a lot of people frequented the little hill. It had charm and sure was the best place for a little canoodling with a lover. It all worked in Harry's favor because he had the place all to himself.

Sticky smelly sweat dibbled down his nose as he peered at his work. He had worked so hard at this. He wanted it be as perfect as he envisioned it in his mind.

Picnic blanket? Check.

Hammock? Check.

Umbrellas? Check.

He had thought of coming with the picnic basket but then the food would end up going bad from the heat.

Satisfied by his work, Harry ambled down the little hill and headed home to get his boyfriend. He really hoped Niall liked it.

He didn't want to a fancy restaurant because that a little bit cliché. And they would probably get mobbed by fans. Knowing his rotten luck, Harry thought that they might even end up running into that woman from the charity dinner.

His other option was to take Niall on a sporty date because there was no one else who loved sports more than the little leprechaun.

But then again he would have needed more time plan to plan something out there to wow Niall and set the date apart from just a sporty hang out between friends.

So he decided to go with the 'ol classic, picnic whilst watching the sunset because;

Food for Niall? Check.

Romantic environment? Check

Privacy? Check.

It was perfect. Well he hoped it would be, because he wouldn't have a second chance to make it up to Niall. He was leaving for France the next day and would barely get a day off for the next 4 months or so. He wished he could take Niall with him but he didn't even know what he had planned to do during the break.

And even if he was free, they wouldn't have time to spend together considering that he would be working every second of every day and Niall would end up feeling neglected.

So this date it would be everything.

He had to make sure it was everything.

Niall had his delectable tush in the air in the living room when Harry entered the house. He was on his knees reaching for something underneath the table; Harry could not resist slapping that firm globe of Irish ass.

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