Chapter 15

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Dedicated to Adrian (imaginarynarry) for giving for story a chance and voting. Thank you boo.

And I saw people calling you Advert in the comment section of your book, which is super yummy btw, is that a nickname?


The soft cool wind blew quietly in the early hours of the night. It carried the crisp smell of night. Little pieces of leaves of every color were tumbling in the air, unable to find anchor to hold them down. They were blown harshly by the wind, taking them wherever it pleases.

Harry wished the wind would take the knowledge that Niall was in town with it too. Ironically it had been whispers in the wind that brought the knowledge to his ears. And he knew that it wasn't just a rumor because Louis and Liam gave him a heads up.

Harry doesn't know if the other boys sensed the tension between Niall and him but he knew that they knew that something had happened. It was taboo for Niall and Harry to go more a day without talking. Now it had been almost a month. Harry could have replied to Niall's texts but at the moment he needed space and time.

He didn't know if he was ready yet to meet Niall face to face. Not because of what he said but because he didn't know how to feel. On some days he would wake up seething, cursing anything with blue eyes or blonde hair and anything that reminded him of the Irish lad.

And then on other days he would wake up feeling so lonely. No one tried to understand him like Niall did. His mum and sister tolerated him and humored him because he was blood and also they have lived with him for the past 19 years, they are quite accustomed to his strange needs and behaviorisms. Liam is lenient sometimes but Louis did not endure them completely.

Only Niall would cuddle his butt ass naked body on a fluffy couch.

Only Niall would not look at him weird when he added a splash of hot sauce to his smoothies.

Only Niall would join him when he went on a jog at midnight.

Only Niall would dare taste his concoction of Hot cocoa and hot chocolate.

Only Niall.

It had always been Niall who did not blink twice at his crazy antics. He would laugh at them, poke fun at them but he always took the time to try to understand why he was doing what he was doing. And even if he didn't understand he would go along with it without asking anything. No one else really cared.

But that feeling wouldn't last because on another day he would wake feeling relieved that Niall rejected his advances. It was so much easier this way. They didn't have to worry about anything; about coming out to their families and the boys, coming out to the management, coming out to the public. And once they were done with coming out, having to deal with the backlash and the questions and so on and so forth. Seriously thinking about it gave him a headache.

But mostly he was confused about how he immediately forgave Niall the minute he saw that text. He knew Niall, everything about the Irish lad. He was a bundle of cuteness and joy and love, there was no room for malicious deeds in Niall's character. What he said at his house that fateful day was not true, and the tentative little 'morning' and 'goodnight' he texted him every day proved that.

He didn't know what to feel anymore. One minute his whole being was screaming for him to text him back and then the next moment his whole being was rejecting the idea of being with Niall.

Abruptly Harry skidded to a stop, with his head tilted back, took a deep sigh as he inhaled deeply the crispy fresh air. He felt it slink into his loose shirt, making it balloon around him. It was a delicious feeling that tugged a smile from his lips that were drawn tight due to the turmoil that was going on inside him.

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