Chapter 64

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So ... there are rumours of Rihanna featuring Harry in her new album.

Bruh that would be so iconic if its true.

A teetering laugh had Niall paying attention to the pair off in front of the camera. Pearly whites, creamy skin, not a blemish in sight. The wonders that makeup did was astounding.

The blonde woman smiled brightly back to into camera. She had Harry's teeth.

No. No Harry. No Harry ever.

Niall went back into his dressing room to prep himself. He flattened out his hair, whilst willing his mind to quieten down.

A backstage hand knocked on the door and abruptly entered before he could answer." You are up in 5."

"Right, thanks." The drifted behind in the empty room, the man had already already scampered off.

Niall looked in the mirror one last time, seeing the bags underneath his eyes that had been contoured like crazy.

Yeah crazy was right. He looked like a right drawn on Ken doll. But who could blame the makeup artist. He had come in looking like something dragged from the pits of hell. Skin looking crusty as hell, eyes bloodshot and hair greasier than Macdonald's french fries.

She was a miracle worker she was that artist.

Niall scurried into the backstage just in time to be ushered into the blinding yellow-ish light of the set.

"Niall Horan, everybody!" The blonde jovially proclaimed to the set full of hired hands that were hidden behind to the cameras.

The smile that he had learned to put on within minutes notice automatically graced his face without him realizing.

The man behind her enthusuatically clapped as he made over to them and greeted for the second time that afternoon.

Aussie accents and charmed teethed to the nines,"It's good to have you here, Niall Horan."

"Its good to be here. Australia is like a second home to me." Niall said, smile naturally setting in once the initial shock dissipated.

"Australia love you. You should just change citizenship. We wont even make you wait in line for it." Miss blinding smile said.

"I bet you the government already has made your ID just in case that has happened." The co-host bumbed his shoulder good naturedly.

"Awww shucks, you are making me blush" Niall pretended to hide behind his hands and released a good belly laugh afterwards.

"Nawww we really do. We love you more than we love the Hemsworth brothers."

"Wooooooow. Be careful now. They are Australia's national treasure!" Niall rebuffed.

"And you are our prodigal son, right Eliza?" Niall menatally took note of the womans name.

"You said it Hamish. Never underestimate our love for you Niall." Eliza said, giving Niall the name of her Male co-host.

"Is there another country that claimed one of the boys like we have claimed you here in Australia." Hamish asked, drawing in close to him, giving Niall a whiff of his aftershave.

"Well let's see ... South Africa was quite enamoured by Liam. They love him there. Zayn was a hit in most middle eastern countries as to be expected. The Swedish fans liked Louis cause he laughed when they flashed us, so he found favour with them." He purposefully left out a member hoping they wouldn't notice but alas it was not to be.

"Harry was just widely loved was he not?" Eloza asked.

"Oh yeah. He's pretty charming. He won over every crowd." Niall hopped his voice didn't sound as drab as it did in his head.

"He released his first single solo this morning. Did you have a chance to listen to it?" Hamish plunged on with the new topic, unaware the inner turmoil Niall was in.

"I know he did release the solo but I haven't had a chance to listen to it yet. But I have heard it. Its quite great. A massive rock ballad."

"There are rumors flying around that the song, which is about a mother using her last moment to tell her child to live life to the fullest before dying, was inspired by something personal happening in his life." Hamish speculated.

Niall heart almost lept out of his chest. Jessica was in too much of a fragile state to deal with these ferocious leeches. They latched on whenever they smelled a good controversial story. God, how does the media ever find balut these things. He really hoped they were just throwing stones hoping ine would hit the right mark.

Wait ... why did he care?

He was no longer obligated to worry about Harry and his affairs.

"Well there are always going to be rumours flying around whenever a song is released. You will have to ask him for its meaning."

There. Niall remover himself from the whole narrative smartly. Whatever that was go about to blow up in Harry's face would not include him.

"Let's talk about your new solo, slow hands. I mean talk about a smokey foxy folky ..."

Niall sighed inwardly when they shifted the focus back to him and his music.

He needed to keep on his new motto. He needed to keep himself from getting sucked into the equation all over again.

Niall finished the interview and the minute he walked off stage he felt the earlier fatigue settling in.

The stiffness in his shoulders was making him walk with a tense gait that was painfully for his knee. He probably had to see masseuse pr a caropactor soon.

His phone pinged with an incoming message.

Lee Lee - Niall I think Harry is in trouble.

What do you mean? - Niall

Niall couldn't help but reply to that message. He had been avoiding all the boys calls since he left the hospital. He just needed a little space recon then for a little while. But he really couldn't ignore such a message.

Lee Lee - Rumours got out about Jessica and the pregnancy. So he had to send Jessica and her family to a safe location. His place is swamped by paps.

Where's the trouble? - Niall

I mean this isn't the first time this happened- Niall

It happened to Lou with his baby. It happened to you. It's bound to happen to him too. - Niall

Lee Lee - The thing is I don't think the baby is his.

Lee... Please don't. - Niall

Lee Lee - You are the only one who can make him say what's going on. You know that.

Lee Lee - Theres MIB at his place. Jessica's sister is shady as hell and he is always speaking in code whenever you ask him what's going on. You are the only one that can get to him.

Lee, I have tried. He wont tell me anything man. - Niall.

Lee Lee - Come on Niall.

No Lee. It hurts too much. I cant do this anymore. - Niall.

And with that Niall turned off his phone.

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