Chapter 17

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Tracing the moon with his now dark green eyes through the sheets of rain Harry sunk deeper into the warm water of the Jacuzzi by the deck. He wasn't materialistic but even he had to admit this was probably the greatest inversion ever. It felt so good to sink in the warm waters as the soft gusts of wind carried slanted rain from the heavens.

Harry felt the moment that Niall sunk into the Jacuzzi from the way the water rose and moved to accommodate his slight bulk. He sunk further and further until his only his eyes could be seen and his cute nose was almost inhaling the water.

He stayed like that for a quiet few minutes. Harry took those silent minutes to enjoy the pitter patter sounds that the rain was making as it hit the ground, he reveled the cold because he could fully enjoy the warmth of the water and he breathed the beautiful smell of rain and wet soil.

The moment was almost perfect. The environment right for a little canoodling and flirting with a partner and he wished he had shared this moment with Niall in another situation. He knew this moment set in a different situation would be imprinted on his mind as the best moment of his life until Niall and him made more. But alas, it was naught.

"I really did come here to make amendments Harry and to make things right." Niall voiced

"You could have fooled me." Harry scoffed.

"I wanted to apologize the minute I saw you, but like you said we were at the charity dinner and I was afraid it would get out of control so I waited, mostly because you didn't seem to be angry with me anymore so I waited for a better time."

"But you have been here in the city for a few days now Niall, why didn't you make the effort to come and see me?" Harry questions, hinting at the fact that he knew Niall had been in the area for a few days now.

"I was nervous, you weren't answering my texts and I was so scared to call because if I'm not sure where we stand right now."

"I'm really sorry", Niall continued," I really never meant to hurt you. I was looking for a way out and all I was thinking was about me. I didn't stop to realize how much it would mean to you when I said those words. Especially considering it wasn't true. What happened between us was consensual. I realized that and it scared the shit out of me.

"Don't say 'what happened between us' Niall. A lot of things have happened between us. Don't try to lessen what happened.

"I'm not Harry."

Harry shifted his body and moved right up in front of Niall startling him and forcing him to sit properly. Harry gingerly knelt on the tiled floor of the Jacuzzi, taking particular care because they were pretty slippery.

With his back to the wind and his eyes set dead on Niall, "Then say it Niall. Say it like you aren't embarrassed about it or ashamed because I'm not."

"We had sex Harry and it was consensual. Do you forgive me for implying that I used you and hurting you?"

"I forgave you a long time Niall, The minute that you sent me that text, I forgave you. But the thing is that Niall I can't go back to being friends without exploring what is between us."

Niall averted his eyes and took a shaky breath. He parted his legs and place them either side of Harry's kneeling form." I don't think I can go back to being friends either Harry." His words cause Harry to release a breath he didn't know he was holding. He shuffled closer to Niall, forcing Niall vision to be filled with his form.

"But I'm so scared Harry. I'm so scared of how people will react, what it means about me and what if we don't work out? What will happen then? You are my best friend and I wouldn't take well to us not being able to being friends anymore. You are practically family."

"I know Niall. I feel the same way. I feel just as scared as you but the thing is I feel that we owe it ourselves to explore what is between us. What if you are meant to be my future? What if you are the one who is meant to spend all my life with? As much as I wouldn't love being friends if we don't work out, I know that I'd regret it in the future if I never pursued this Niall. I don't want to be old and gray, sitting in a rocking chair pondering if ours would have been the great love story. We have to risk it because the greatest things in life always start with a risk."

"If I did this what would it mean about my sexuality Harry? Does that mean I'm gay?"

"If you are not sure yet Niall, you don't have to label yourself as anything. I don't care if you are gay or bi or whatever, I just want you to be mine. And if anyone asks you to label yourself just tell them that you are mine and I am yours because that's all that matters."

Niall let those perfect words swirl in his mind. Harry was giving him time to figure himself out and he didn't mind at all that Niall had not yet figured himself out. Niall didn't want to force his confused Irish butt to come with a label for himself, but he did seem to truly not mind. Niall wondered if it was because Harry himself had gone a similar faze. If he had, Niall wondered who had been there to hold Harry and assure him like Harry was doing right now for him.

"Fine" Niall said lowering his head on Harry's cold shoulder.

"Good." The low rumble from his deep baritone made his chest shake in a delicious as he chuckled lowly in his throat.

"So... That's it? We are officially dating now?"


"Why does everything feel so normal?'

"What did you expect? The ground to move and shake or something?"

"No. I don't know. We just made a life altering decision that could make us or break us; I was just expecting nature to respond with some kind omen or something."

"Maybe no omen is a good omen. Maybe we will get our happily ever after together."

"Hmmm. Don't get ahead of yourself. We haven't even told any of our family or the boys. Then we need to come out. We are still ages away from a happily ever after."

"Don't be so pessimistic. We just need to take this one step at a time. For now we can celebrate with a well deserved kiss. Pucker up sugar." Harry told Niall with a twinkle in his eyes.

A low chuckle emanated from Niall's upturned lips that immediately went into a pucker to receive Harry's moistened lips. They were as soft as he remembered. Sweetly and tenderly Niall caressed his way up to Harry's long hair, he ran his hair into the soft locks. Loving the way his feathery soft hair slipped in between his fingers like soft butter. Niall sighed soft and sweet, happy with what was happening at moment in time. Harry took the opportunity as an invitation to slip his tongue into Niall's mouth. Warm and with a faint hint of the wine the two had at the dinner, Niall also explored Harry's mouth. Their tongues engaged in an erotic dance of passionate kissing.

"Come on. I want to cuddle your ass." Harry muttered when he removed his lips from Niall's and pulled Niall from the water and pushed him into the house.

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