Gambling trouble

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( Your POV)

I was dragged to a stage for the whole crew and patrons to see, I blushed hard in embarrassment as I saw the trio standing in front of the stage. Kill me now is all I could think as I saw Edge practically clawing an lunging at the stage, but thankfully blueberry and sans held him back.  I sighed as Blackberry held me close and smirking at Edge knowing it pissed him off, I just remained silent until Blackberry got some unfortunate news thanks to author and to add thicker plot development that he had to unfortunately leave for a business meeting.

"ugh my bunny I have to leave to talk with some business partners... you're allowed to be out of my sight for now.... but I'll be back" He purred and kissed me in front of the crowd. I just stood there not knowing what to do as he skipped off with some tall smoking skeleton. As soon as he was gone I was tackled by the trio, "EEK!" was all I could say as the trio nuzzled me  and held me tight. I blushed a little and sat up slowly and laughed a bit, "Alright you three i'm alright...." I said softly and smiled at them. 

"Tell us it isn't true that you're dating that big sour owner (n/n) " Blueberry said as I shook my head no as Sans and Edge sighed in relief. I smiled and pat each of their skulls before squirming out of their grasp. "you boys need to go back to work.... i'll be around trying to get my head clear" I told them as the begrudgingly sigh and nod as each went to their stations to continue their work. I sighed and walked around until I noticed a dark room, perhaps it's a night club? Curiosity had gotten the best of me as I entered it slowly.

Lights flashed as people dance in the dark with neon lights on them, hell even gambling in the dark and smoking all kinds of drugs. I swatted at the smoke and coughed a bit as I looked around the strange room, it was odd that I hadn't noticed this place before until now. "Hey little dove you seem lost" I heard someone say snapping me out of thought, when I turned to the voice I blushed a dark red. The man or well skeleton in front of me was beyond handsome as he held out a hand to me, I shyly held out my hand for him to shake but he instead kissed my hand.

I blushed hard if that was possible as I stared at the mystery man, He reminded me of the other four I knew but he was much taller. "Well little dove you got a name?" he spoke up again in his silky voice, I gulped and chocked out my name "i-it's (y/n) ". I mentally kicked myself for the stutter as the man pulled me close, "well little dove..... you may call me G....".

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