the sweetheart

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(Your POV)

I took a deep breath as I waited for the boys to meet you in the lobby, the start of my crazy adventure. I laughed at the thought of one week ending up as almost a half a year, I couldn't help but relax and smile the thought of how if I didn't go I wouldn't have met these amazing friends or hell lets call them lovers since I've kissed them so many times before. I smiled at the memories we had all shared it felt good having all those memories and now here I was hoping to make more with them......

I happily waited for the five as one by one each came in looking confused as they all looked at one another. I soon took a deep breath as I looked at all my options, there was the comic, the bad boy, the sweetheart, the bratty prince and the amazing lover. I couldn't choose between any of them, but I had decided I would go for the sweetest and probably the most slightest of them all.... I wanted my little Blueberry who I loved and admired for putting all his devotion into me , I honestly never thought in my life anyone would do that for me but there He was. My knight in shining baby blue armor.

"I've decided who I want as my lover.... and I choose Blueberry..." I spoke up nervously as Edge yelled. "I LOST TO A RUNT!!!!" I couldn't help but laugh at his remark as Blueberry skips over to me and began to hug me tight. I smiled and could have sworn I heard blackberry mutter something along the lines of "I can't believe the goodie goodie me won her over...hmph". I laughed a little more as I left with my little knight.

 I laughed a little more as I left with my little knight

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~ Months Later ~

(Blueberry POV)

"O-okay you can do this sans....Papy said it'll be easy!" I said to myself as I watched (y/n) set up the picnic area on top of the hill. I smiled and clutched the tiny box with the ring inside close to my soul before gaining the confidence to go up to her to pop the question.

(Your POV)

I sat at the top of the hill drinking my juice as I noticed blueberry come rushing up and looking excitedly at me. I raised an eyebrow at my boyfriend and before I could even ask he was getting down on one knee. I blushed a deep crimson as he spoke "(Y/n) i....I l-love you w-with all my h-heart...w-well s-soul...p-p-please m-marry me!".  I thought his stutter was adorable as I nodded at him and smiled happily. "Of course I will~"

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