Natsu Dragneel -

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Smiling proudly, Ms. Ayishi stood next to the new student. Lucy couldn't help but...stare at him. He had pink spiky hair, a toned body, and a bright smile that made her smile back.
"Ok students. This may be your third year here at Fairy High, but this will be our new student, Natsu Dragneel. This is his first year here and let's see..." The happy science teacher looked around, eyeing Lucy and her intense stare.
"I'll have you sit next to Lucy," she said pointing at the blonde. "She's a very good student and she can help you find your way around school and don't be shy to ask her for help when you're stuck with something." Ms. Ayishi said. Natsu slowly walked over to Lucy's desk, grabbing the chair and sitting next to her. Natsu felt everyone's gaze on him, not that it bothered him.

20 minutes into their assignment, Lucy looked at Natsu's paper. She was beyond shocked, his paper was already halfway done with the periodic table questions, while she was stuck on the fifth question. Shyly, she tapped him on the shoulder.
"C-could you help me with this one?" She asked nervously. His bright smile lit up once again and he explained, instead of just giving her the answer. Lucy noticed how Sting wasn't like this. Usually he'd demand the answer, and she was able to understand Natsu's explanation. After explaining, Natsu noticed something on her neck.
"What's that?" He asked. He knew what it was, however once he asked, he regretted it as he noticed her eyes getting teary.
"I-it's nothing..." She said her voice trailing off almost into the distance. She quickly covered the hickey as best she could and began writing again.

Natsu bit his lip nervously as he finished, standing up to turn in the paper. Even the poor science teacher was shocked, Natsu had finished in less than 30 minutes and of course not far behind him, was Lucy. Smiling, the teacher looked over their papers, giving them a nod of approval.

Walking back to their seats with 20 minutes left of class, the two quietly chatted about their lives. Lucy's parents died when she was 16, close when she began dating Sting. However she knew what happened. Sting had murdered them. And he got away with it. He wasn't the biggest fan of her parents, so he killed them.

She told Levy about her suspicions and Levy agreed, worrying now about her best friend's safety.

Natsu said he lived with his parents, Igneel and Grandine, and his little sister Wendy. They talked until the bell rang, agreeing on most things and had a lot in common. Lucy didn't realize she walked out with Natsu until a hand grabbed her arm and pulled her. Natsu stared at Sting, and Sting shot Natsu a dirty glare. Sting grunted and he purposely grabbed Lucy's breast, before letting go.

"Listen new kid, I'm only gunna warn you once. This here is my girl, so I don't want to catch you looking at her. She's mine." He snarled at Natsu. Natsu didn't back down however.
"You shouldn't treat her like that. She deserves better. So I'm only gunna warn you once that you better start treating her right." Natsu said. Sting had a furious look that didn't even begin to scare the pink haired boy. Sting adjusted his shirt and pulled Lucy away with him, walking her to her next class.

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