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"MY BEAUTIFUL WIFE IS PREGNANT!" He exclaimed and picked Lucy up, kissing her happily as he put her down. He looked into her eyes and smiled.

"God...I'm so happy." He said as he hugged her and put his face on her chest. She smiled and stroked his hair and she felt warm drops fall inside her cleavage.

"Natsu are you..." She stopped as she heard him sniff. He met her eyes and she wiped his warm drops on his cheeks and smiled.

"I'm just so happy Lucy.." He said and kissed her.

2 Days Later

"Mom...I have some exciting news!" Natsu said as his mother and father sat on the couch. Natsu and Lucy sat on the opposite side and he grabbed her hands.
"Mom...Lucy is pregnant." He said. His mother smiled and Igneel began to loose his intake of the best way possible. They both smiled and looked at Natsu and Lucy, then at each other.

"Really!" Igneel asked eagerly.
"That's wonderful!" Grandine cried out as she went towards Lucy and hugged her. They all caught up with one another while Wendy and Chelia played with toys.

After leaving, Lucy rushed to the bathroom and threw up again, wincing at the pain in the stomach.
"There there princess," Natsu said reassuringly as he patted her back and wiped her mouth carefully with a small handkerchief. Her ring shined as she wiped her own mouth and Natsu looked at his.

"Natsuuu," Lucy called out to him. He quickly opened the door to see Lucy resting on the bed. "I'm hungry..." She said and bit her nails. He smiled.
"Geez you don't always have to be so embarrassed when you're hungry Lucy." Natsu said.
"I want a sandwich with mayo, ham, lettuce and avocado..." She said as she blushed. Her cravings made her slightly different from him and he patted her head.
"I'll be back in a few. And for a drink?"
"Raspberry iced tea with ice." She said. Natsu quickly fulfilled her order, doing the best he can and putting exactly what she wanted on her sandwich.

"Here you go princess." He said as he brought her the tray. Her eyes lit up as she practically drooled at the sight of food and thanked Natsu with a kiss.

Everytime they would go out, Natsu was always behind Lucy, protecting her from anything. He always gave her shade when the sun shined brightly above Magnolia and was always there when she needed something. Their friends were in college but they would visit during the weekend...which was today.

The doorbell rang and Natsu quickly opened it, seeing Gray and Juvia happily smile as Juvia waved and Natsu and Gray simply fist bumped. The next pair, Levy and Gajeel came in with what looked like a present.

"Lucy!" Levy and Juvia cried out in unison. They haven't seen their friend in so long they were relived she was ok. Juvia rubbed her stomach, awkwardly staring at her belly.
"Gray-Sama, when will we have kids?" She asked. Everyone mentally face palmed.
"After college-"
"WE MUST!" Juvia said as she hugged Gray harder and Levy smiled.

"I can't believe this're gunna have a baby! I'm going to be the godmother right!" Levy said. Juvia disagreed.
"I think I should be the godmother." She said.
"Silence fools. I'll obviously be chosen as the godmother for the baby!" Erza said coming in with Jellal. Lucy smiled and Natsu sat down. She was sitting next to him and Natsu put his head on her lap, tired from earlier. She played with his hair as he purred.

Everyone sat down and began to talk all at once. Natsu sighed, still on her lap. He was too tired to lift his head.
"Lucy how are you feeling?"
"Do you get sick often?"
"Is it uncomfortable?"
"What kind of food do you crave?"
"Do you think it'll be a boy or a girl?"
"What do you want to name her?"

"Well uhh..." Lucy couldn't figure out how to respond to each one of their questions. She lifted her shoulders and tapped Natsu. She heard a snore and everyone chuckled.
"Aww the poor guy must be tired." Levy said as she smiled. Gajeel rested his head on her lap as well. Then Gray rested his head on Juvia's. Erza looked at Jellal and he did the same.

"Lucy open your gift. By the way, it's not a present for the future baby." Levy said. She handed Lucy the gift and Natsu's eyes shot open, making Lucy roll her eyes and giggle. She opened the present and smiled.
"It's beautiful Levy!" She exclaimed. The gift was a frame and it had pictures of everyone together. It was a memoir of their times together, when they were in high school and other places. The golden frame shined and the pictures were taped onto the board.

Levy felt proud of herself and Erza and Juvia smiled. A meow was heard and Happy and Nalu came to the group of friends and Juvia and Levy each picked a cat up.

"Bye Lucy! Bye Natsu! Thanks for inviting us over!" Levy yelled as Gajeel drove them away.
"It was an honor to meet my future god child." Erza said. Lucy giggled as she hugged and waved to Erza.
"Me and Gray-Sama will have a baby one day." Juvia said as she held onto Gray's arm. Gray looked at Natsu. Natsu have Gray a smirk and Gray rolled his eyes and hugged Lucy. Juvia managed to hold herself back as she walked with Gray.

Plopping down on the couch, Natsu looked at Lucy, who fell asleep with her hand on her belly. He smiled and gave her forehead and her little plump stomach a kiss. He picked her up carefully and took her to their bedroom. He covered her with soft blankets and massaged her body. He wasn't sure if he should leave her or stay until she wakes up.

He decided he might as well sleep.

1:17 AM

"NATSUU!" Lucy cried out from the bathroom. Natsu sprung from his bed, running to the bathroom. He found Lucy, pale and frightened and she ran towards him. She began to cry loudly on him and it made his heart race faster. He noticed their toilet.

And the thought him harder than anything he could ever feel.

" that-" He couldn't finish his sentence. There, in the toilet, was a fetus, an unborn child. There. In their toilet. Tears began to fall down his eyes and he screamed. Lucy panicked and Natsu had to hold her. She began to cry heavily.


Well. Anyways, here's a little shoutout to KingProductions__ for reading my story lol! I always keep my promises!


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