Enough -

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Natsu happily brought the playful kitten, he didn't even bother telling his parents. At first they would say no but once they saw the precious pet, they would have a hard time saying the word no.

He knocked on the door and his mother opened it. Her eyes showed love as she reached out for the kitten out of Natsu's hands and she smiled so delightfully.
"Natsu! This kitten is precious!" She exclaimed joyfully. Natsu smiled as he stepped in the house, bags full of treats and toys for Happy.
"What did you name him honey?" His mother asked him.
"I uhh, named him Happy." He said nervously. Grandine chuckled as she took the kitten with her and sat down on the sofa with him, letting Happy bite her fingers and play with them.

"What's all the ruckus about?" Igneel said coming down the stairs.
"Natsu is that a kitten?" Igneel asked. Natsu nodded and Igneel also chuckled. "Did that little guy soften your heart?" He asked.
"Yeah." Natsu replied. He didn't want to admit it, but he thought of Lucy with that kitten. It brought him happiness when the three of them were at the Pet Shop.

The familiar sound of footsteps came running and Wendy ran into the living room, jumping on Natsu.
"Kitty!" She said. She closely walked to the small feline and looked at him. She reached out a finger and ran it across his fur. She smiled in delight as she kitten meowed, asking for more. The two instantly became friends and Natsu even noticed it.

"Other than what happened, how was your first day of school?" Igneel asked. Natsu felt his cheeks burn slightly and his voice cracked when he spoke.
"I uhh...met Lucy?" He questioned himself. Grandine elbowed him.
"Do you love her?" She asked smiling. Natsu quickly shook his head, then, he nodded slowly, his face feeling even hotter as his mother cupped his cheeks.

"Don't do anything stupid. We want the best for you honey. Her forcefully going out with that boy is risky, but we will do everything we can. Bring her tomorrow." Grandine slowly whispered. Igneel caught her eye and gave her a look that said she was crazy but she didn't care. She needed to talk to Lucy.

"Sting I-"
"I said SHUT UP!" Sting yelled as he slapped her again, and forcefully thrusted his hips foward, making her back away and cough up some of his juices. She quickly went back, sucking him until he came. She excused herself to go to the bathroom and washed her mouth, seeing the sticky juices being thrown into the drain.

She looked at herself in the mirror. She had a black eye, a cut on her lip, and she had a slap mark. She couldn't do this anymore. She didn't want to do this anymore. She reached in her cabinet, and pulled out a hidden razor and began to cut into her skin.

"He isn't answering." Natsu said to himself. He tried to call Gray to see if he could pass Lucy's number but he didn't answer. He tried Gajeel and Jellal even but they also didn't answer. Natsu bit his lip. Something suddenly hit him in the gut, telling him something wasn't right. Something was wrong.

He tried to shake it off but couldn't. He looked at Happy, sleeping peacefully on his pillow.
"Lucy..." He said his voice trailing off. He packed his supplies for the next day and went to sleep, hoping that this gut feeling would go away and he could sleep as peaceful as Happy. Eventually he slept, resting what happened in just one day ever since he moved to Magnolia.

Lucy walked out of the bathroom, hiding her cuts and slipped into her clothes and went to sleep next to Sting. She looked over and saw the drawer open, revealing ripped and sealed condoms. She blinked away the tears as the snoring Sting slept by her side, muttering things.

She hated things how they were for her. Until she remembered him. Why did his last name sound so familiar anyways? Dragneel. The thought hit her. The Dragneel family was the wealthiest family there could ever be. Yet he was a typical teenager. But that wasn't the reason his last name sounded so damn familiar. She lost her train of thought as her eyelids fell and she too, was in a deep sleep.

The alarm woke Lucy up, Sting was suspended of course and Lucy quickly turned it off before it woke him up. She changed, had breakfast, and brushed her teeth. She quickly put on makeup, hiding her bruises and cuts. She waited and her ride, Erza's car, would pick her up as they drove to school.

Now, Erza wasn't stupid. She could figure things out so fast.
"What happened last night." She asked demandingly.
"What are you talking about?" Lucy asked.
"You don't wear makeup Lucy." Erza said. They reached a red light and Erza quickly used her sleeve and wiped Lucy's cheek, exposing cuts and a bruise. Erza's eyes opened.
"We're going to the police! This has gone too far Lucy!" Erza shouted.

The green light came and she made a right, preparing to do something. Even if she heard Lucy plead and plead to ignore and go to school, Erza kept going. Lucy was afraid of what could happen. It was already 8:05. It's been 5 minutes since school started and Erza was on a mission.

"Good morning Natsu?" The teacher called.
"Good morning." Natsu said politely.
"Good morning Erza?" She asked. No one said anything.
"Good morning Jenny?"
"Good morning! I'm ready to-"
"Good morning Lucy?" She asked. Natsu began to worry. Lucy sat next to him and yet she didn't attend class. He saw the teacher put her pen down as she finished roll call, placing the paper down and sending a student to deliver the attendance sheet. Natsu worried about what could happen next...

"Erza this isn't a-"
"Lucy, listen to me, it's only gunna get worse if we don't speak up...she said holding onto Lucy's hand. She grabbed her wrist and Lucy loudly winced and Erza turned to face her.
"You've been cutting again? Why Lucy? Why do you let him get away with this?" Erza asked tearfully. She knew what he could do even so, but she hated this. It's gone on for long enough.

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