Coincidences -

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Sting dragged Lucy to her next class by the arm, bruising her delicate skin. Her history class wasn't far and Lucy didn't dare fight back Sting's grip on her arm. The halls were crowded with students and Lucy saw Natsu, in the back following them. She gulped and prayed Natsu wouldn't try to stand up to Sting.

They reached Mr. Gonzalez's class and Sting shoved Lucy into the room. He walked passed her going to his Physical Education class. Lucy chose a seat in the back, hopefully hiding her tears. She finally saw Levy in her class and they both smiled at one another. Lucy's heart skipped a beat when she saw the familiar pink haired boy walk in with his recognizable smile. Her quickly saw her, sitting next to her and Lucy smiled at him.

"Hey." She said. She felt stupid that it was the only words that came out of her mouth, making her blush. Natsu explained his classes and Lucy's eye almost popped out of her sockets. Natsu had every single class with her! It was such a relief for her. The teacher came in, looking quite grumpy as his mug full of coffee was placed on his neat desk. There wasn't much to him, besides the fact he was history teacher.

Levy caught Lucy blushing as Natsu talked silently with her as the history teacher made some adjustments on his desk. Levy smiled at Lucy which Lucy didn't even notice as she was caught in the moment with her prince. Natsu had lived a very happy life, him and his little sister inseparable. Lucy thought guys like that who cherished their families and education were beyond heaven, almost a dream guy. And not to mention Natsu was so damn hot to her. Finally the lesson started, and learning about the World Wars was something Lucy didn't have much interest at all in.

Natsu however, was so interested in the past, he admired the people who fought for our independence and listened very well at the lecture. As soon as the bell rang, too soon for Natsu, everyone packed their bags and went to their next class. Of course, sharing their whole schedule together meant Lucy and Natsu would now go to Art class, one of her least favorites. Natsu was on the same page with Lucy as they walked to the class, chatting about what they would have for lunch.

They entered the classroom and sat together, of course time flew by and it was lunch time already. They both excitedly jumped out of class and ran towards their lockers, of course, they ended up having the same lockers next to each other. Not that it bothered Lucy, she liked these typical clichés like in the movies.

Lucy turned, and Sting pulled her into a hug, almost crushing her back. Every student had 1 hour lunch which gave them time to go wherever they pleased. Of course Lucy and Sting would go home and Lucy would be forced to cook for them instead of going out together.

Lucy didn't fight Sting either, for fear she might get hit. Natsu slowly walked away as much as it pained him to see Lucy getting beat up by some asshole. He had a feeling she didn't love him. He'd seen this before. Because he used to be one of those guys. Who'd abuse their girlfriends and not care.

He gave it up when he realized the damage he'd been doing and stopped, he transferred schools for the main reason of his ex never to see him again. It was his decision after all...

"Get in the car babe. I'm craving spaghetti right now." Sting said.

Once they arrived home, Lucy went to the fridge and pulled out leftover spaghetti from last night and proceeded to heat it up. Sting went up behind her and groped her breasts, making her whimper as he kneaded them.

Lucy pushed him off, as the microwave went off, and she grabbed the place, threw a fork in the bowl of spaghetti and placed it on the table. Sting sat at his seat, eating the spaghetti like a mad man who hasn't eaten in days. Lucy played with her delicate fingers, as she strapped on her lady balls and had the courage to ask Sting.

"S-Sting, I was wondering if-"
"Can't you see I'm eating?" Sting said with a mouthful of spaghetti. He sounded pissed which was a bad sign and she regretted opening her mouth and sighed as she pulled out a salad and a fork, sitting down next to Sting as there was no conversation between them.

Erza sighed looking down at her phone with no text back from Lucy. She figured Sting might have her and looked back at the group of friends as they dug into their burgers. Levy felt something was wrong and refused to eat without an update on Lucy. She pulled out her phone and called Lucy, worried about what could've happened to her.

But she heard the voice she didn't want to hear.
"Why are you calling Lucy? She's eating."
"Well I just wanted to check up on her, could I-" Levy was interrupted when Sting hung up the call and continued eating as Levy let a tear fall. She didn't like her friend being treated like this. Gajeel hugged her even if he didn't really know the blonde, but seeing his girlfriend sad made him a little pissed.

Natsu Dragneel sat down at the table, his mother Grandine serving him his favorite meal. Wendy came running up to Natsu and he picked her up, holding her over his head. He smiled at her giggles and gave her a kiss on the cheek as she reached out for his hand and began playing with his fingers, tapping on his palm and such.

His father was at work and his mother noticed a slight change in his mood.
"What's wrong honey?" She asked as she set the food down. Natsu looked at her and began to explain everything he's noticed during school so far.
"My goodness," Grandine began. "She's getting abused by her own boyfriend? That's horrible the poor thing must be afraid."
"Yeah I know mom. I really want to help. I'd beat that guy up if he did something to her in front of me." Natsu said angrily.

"Natsu it's best you don't fight anyone at all." She said worriedly.
"If it means to help Lucy than I don't care." He said. His mother sighed and looked at her son.

She picked up Wendy and went to the room, attempting to put her to sleep.
"What will I do with my boy?" She asked herself. Then she smiled at his pure heart. That girl will be the end of him. She thought to herself chuckling.
"You've got a heart just like your father's." She said to herself as Wendy closed her eyes.

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