First Word, First Steps

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Lisanna pondered on Lucy's words. Was there actually someone for her? Better than Sting? She rubbed her stomach.
"One day."

"Thank god she slept for the rest of the night. Or day..." Natsu said as he rubbed her head.
"She smells like poop. Could you change her? I have to go make breakfast." Lucy said as she ran out of bed, leaving Natsu, Nashi, and a dirty diaper.
"Just like Lucy showed me, you can do this Natsu Dragneel. For...Nashi.." He told himself as he removed the first layer of clothes. Then, the second. After that, Nashi was left in a diaper and Natsu was overwhelmed. She began to cry and Natsu freaked out.
"OH GOD SHE MIGHT BE POOPING!" He screamed. Lisanna came in, yawning, and she laughed at Natsu.

"Do you need help Natsu?" She said giggling. She walked towards the crying Nashi. She carefully took off her diaper.
"Natsu, she just peed. You overreact this." She said.
"Where do you have the baby wipes?"
"Uhh in the nursery. I'll go get them." Natsu said as he ran towards he nursery. He quickly spotted them and brought them back. Lisanna was waiting and saw Natsu.
"Look all you have to do is wipe her," Lisanna said as she slowly showed Natsu. He felt funny by wiping and seeing-
"Natsu are you paying attention? Quit staring at her stuff!" Lisanna said smiling. Natsu realized that it was normal, that this was his girl.

He still didn't like the diaper changing.

Natsu began to take off his shirt making Lisanna squeal as she had finished putting Nashi's clothes back on her.
"What the hell are you doing?" She asked as a shirtless sexy Natsu went towards Nashi.
"Breastfeed her. Duh."
"Natsu you don't even have breasts...or milk in those...and you aren't a woman." She said. Natsu stared at Nashi, then put her down and put his shirt back on.

"Guys breakfast is ready!" Lucy yelled. Nashi giggled and Natsu took Nashi in his arms and then and Lisanna went downstairs.

"Pancakes. Nice." Natsu said and put Nashi in the crib downstairs.
"I've decided. I'm going to work somewhere, make some money and I'll buy a house. I'll work hard and stuff." Lisanna said as she sipped her coffee.
"We'll get you started." Natsu said. He opened a cabinet and grabbed a pen.

He handed Lisanna a small loan of 1,000,000 dollars.

"Natsu...I can't accept this..." She said.
"Lisanna my family runs Dragneel-"
"I know...but I've never..." She stopped herself.
"Thank you Natsu. How can I pay you back?"
"Live Lisanna. Live. For the future. For your future." Natsu said.

"I'll get out of your house now." Lisanna said as she finished her pancake."
"You sure you don't want to stay for a little longer?" Lucy said as she began to clean Natsu's plate. She stood over him while he was still sitting.
"It's fine." Lisanna said as she went and reached for the door.
"You forgot your check!" Lucy yelled.
"I don't need it. I know I can do it alone." She said and left. Natsu ripped the check and sat down with Nashi.

6 Months Later

"Nashi come on. Say something. Mama or Dada. Come on." Lucy cheered on. Nashi crawled to Natsu who was asleep on the couch. She stumbled while reaching for his chest and all her weight landed on his crotch.
"OH GOD WHY ME!" He cried out. Nashi giggled and reached for his chest. Lucy laughed until her sides were hurting and picked Nashi from Natsu.

As Natsu recovered from Nashi's attack, he grabbed her and safely put her down. He sat and Nashi was standing by holding onto the couch. She was in the middle of Natsu's legs and Natsu leaned forward and picked her up.
"What will your first word be Nashi?" He asked her.
"Daaaa.." She said. Natsu's hope went through the the roof.

"It's gunna be dada."
"Daaadaaa. Dada." Nashi said as she sucked her thumb. Natsu's heart warmed with joy.

"Lucy! Nashi's first word! Come down here!"

"She said dada!"
"Ahhh!" Lucy screamed in joy. She ran downstairs and saw Nashi.
"Dada!" She exclaimed and Lucy's eyes went wide.

"What did--what did you say?" She asked. Natsu already had his fist in the air with excitement.
"She said dada!" He mimicked as Nashi pulled his pink spiky hair. Lucy went over to Nashi and smiled as she picked her up.
"Your first word!" She said. Nashi had already reached a milestone.

"Can you say it again Nashi?" Natsu asked.
"Daaaada." The baby said. Her gibberish speaking clouded the real word and she seemed to not be as interested as her parents. Nashi reached her arms out for Natsu and he gladly picked her up.
"That's one point for daddy!" He said. Lucy rolled her eyes.
"Since when was this a competition?" She asked.
"Since she said the word dada."
"You're too much sometimes." She said as she walked away.

"Mommy is just mad right Nashi?" Natsu said to the baby. She yawned and fell back onto the couch. Natsu kissed her cheek and held her.

All in his mind was he never thought something in his pants could make a beautiful little girl.

9 Months Later

"Dada dada dada..." Nashi spoke as she tried her best to hold herself up.
"Lucy!! Nashi might stand and walk right now!" He called to his wife. Lucy ran and both Natsu and Nashi stared at her chest, her breasts bouncing.

"Nashi is doing what?" Lucy asked which snapped Natsu out of his trance and Nashi gripped his shorts. She stood herself up, and found the courage to take it step by step.

"She's walking!" Natsu yelled and quickly stood up and held her hands behind her. Lucy smacked his butt and he continued to walk with Nashi.

"Mama?" Nashi said and turned to Lucy. Lucy was filled with joy, her baby recognizing what Lucy was.


All in her mind was she never thought something so little could make someone feel so good.

Nashi whimpered a bit and Natsu picked her up, congratulating her on her first steps and she giggled.

"My baby's second milestone."

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