The Pet Shop -

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As everyone came back to school, ready for the last two hours of class Natsu wanted to see Lucy. Going into the classroom he saw her, sitting quietly as she was staring at her desk. He sat next to her, again, and when no one was looking, he lifted her cheek, seeing another hickey and a scratch on her neck.

She looked at him desperately, while he raged in anger. He wouldn't rage for much longer as the teacher came to assign where they would be going to help out. Natsu and Lucy were assigned working at the Pet Shop, which Natsu loved since he has always wanted a cat. He was so excited! Lucy also loved animals and she could tell how excited Natsu was and smiled. He was so energetic.

The school buses came, picking the students up and dropping them off. They passed by the police station, which some people would work at. They passed by a clinic, a kids playground, and a museum. Finally their destination arrived and Lucy and Natsu jumped out eagerly, getting their schedule papers and other worksheets.

Entering the Pet Shop and greeting by many puppies and cats, Natsu was having the time of his life playing with a special kitten he named "Happy" because he loved that kitten at first sight and the kitten was always playing and being happy. Lucy played with both of them, admiring Natsu's passion for animals. She laughed when Happy did silly things like trip over or run to Natsu.

They almost forgot what they actually came for which was to help out. And they would've if it wasn't for one of the workers to spot them.
"You must be Natsu and Lucy, I see you're getting alone quite well with out animals already. You'll be perfect for your year!" The woman said excitedly. "My name is Mavis, and I work here with these little munchkins." Mavis said, eyeing the kitten.

Mavis seemed to be in a deep thought and it popped once she spoke.
"We've got to get you into our uniforms!" She said enthusiastically Natsu and Lucy shrugged and followed her down a hallway that said EMPLOYEES and Mavis opened the door, revealing boxes upon boxes full of toys for pets. Mavis handed them their uniform and also noticed the hickey and scratch on Lucy's neck. She wondered if she should say something or just keep quiet. She worried now about Lucy and decided to talk to her. She put Natsu in the pet area and began to talk to Lucy alone.

"Hey baby, what's that on your neck. Now you have to trust me so tell me. You've got me worried." Mavis said in a comforting tone.
"N-no it's nothing.." Lucy said her voice trailing off as she quickly covered the mark and blushed.
"Honey if it's something serious than-"
"No no! It's nothing like that. Lucy said worryingly.
"Well. Ok. Go help Natsu take care of the pets and know you can trust me with anything."
Lucy nodded and walked away finding Natsu.

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