Epilogue - Part 1 Natsu And Lucy

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After explaining to Lucy for the millionth time, she seemed to understand. Natsu's family owned "Dragneel Industries" and their income was around 1,000,000 a month. Which meant they didn't need to go to college or get a job. Lucy finally agreed on it and Natsu also mentioned that as long as the Dragneel name is running, the Industry will as well. But this didn't mean he wanted to be having sex to keep it going.

They were the wealthiest family after all.

Natsu and Lucy discussed about other things. Lucy didn't really like the idea of living off his money and Natsu gave in and gave her the ok of her working to get experience.

5 Years Later

"Yeah. That one." Natsu said as he handed money to the cashier. He excitedly set everything up, making plans and even more plans.
"All right we're going!" He yelled to his parents. Grandine nodded.
"All right. I wish you the best of luck Natsu. You got this." She said and embraced him one more final time. Igneel smiled at how much his son has grown.
"I'm sure you'll do this." He cheered him on and hugged him. Chelia crawled to him and he picked her up, placing his forehead on hers.
"Be a good girl ok?" He told her as he kissed her forehead. She blew a bubble using her saliva and giggled when it popped. He set her down in the play pen, letting her crawl around and play with her many toys.

"You're gunna do it?" Wendy asked. Natsu smiled as he nodded. She was about to speak until he saw Lucy walk downstairs, hushing her up.
"Are you packed?" Natsu asked. She nodded as she showed him her suitcase. And so they left, Natsu's worries flooded him. She was blindfolded when they went so she obviously didn't know the route.

But this would be the place. He felt confident.

This would be his most daring challenge yet.

3 Hours Later

"Hey...this is the beach we went to!" Lucy exclaimed as she jumped out of the car and grabbed her suitcase. Natsu opened the familiar cabin they had and set it down.

It was noon. It was time.

Nervously, he walked alongside her on the wet sand, their feet imprinting it. He took a deep breath in and his heart raced even faster.

It was now or never.

He kneeled.

"Lucy, you're the most beautiful girl I've ever met. We've been though so much, and I always want to be by your side for the future. I want to hold you, kiss you, laugh with you, cry with you. You mean the world to me and I couldn't imagine my life without you. When I met you, I was just the new boy but I felt close to you. I want to spend our future together and possibly spend it with a family. It means the world to me you've been with me for so long. I love seeing your beautiful brown eyes when I wake up and you're next to me, when we just relax with each other, when we just do our hobbies together. I always spend 1 hour telling what I love about you when you sleep by my side. You have the most beautiful smile, Lucy. I want to experience more things with you, if it's good or bad. It's amazing what love can do and I wanted to ask," he paused as he reached in his pocket, grabbing a little black box. At this point Lucy was crying and biting her lip. "I wanted to ask if you would marry me." He said confidently.
"Yes Natsu!" She said as he stood up and placed the ring on her finger. They hugged as everyone cheered him on. He wiped Lucy's tears as they both cried of joy in each other's embrace.

"We're gunna spend a whole week here, this was our first place Lucy." He said. She smiled and kissed him. She stared at the diamond ring that shined on her finger. He smiled as he kissed her forehead.

4 Weeks Later

"Thanks for helping with the wedding planning Mrs. Grandine." Lucy said politely as she counted the number of seats while Grandine checked the list another time.
"It's no trouble. I'm so happy for you both." She said.
"Where's my beautiful princess?" Natsu said as he entered the room and hugged Lucy from behind and rested his head on her shoulder. She giggled and stood up, accepting a warm hug as Grandine smiled.

"Well Lucy, it's about done. We just need the wedding dress!" She exclaimed. Natsu grabbed his keys.
"Cool!" He said. He was stopped as Grandine grabbed him by the shirt.
"You aren't supposed to see it until the wedding." She said. Natsu's mouth dropped to the floor.
"What?!" He asked. Grandine grabbed the keys from him as he kissed Lucy and watched her go.

1 Month Later

"Oh god I'm so nervous..." Lucy said as Levy fixed up her wedding dress.
"Don't be Lucy!" Erza said as she adjusted her hair. Lucy's heart went faster and faster. Millions of butterflies circled her stomach.
"Look, you can do this." Erza said as she put the veil on her head carefully.
Gray came in smiling.
"Natsu said he's so ner-" Gray stopped himself. "You look amazing Lucy..." He said. He continued with death glares from Juvia. "Natsu's nervous." He said.
"He won't stop pacing the halls." Gray fixed his tie in the mirror.

"Mom I'm not sure if I'm gunna do this right..." Natsu said nervously.
"Oh honey, it's ok, it's cute how nervous you are." She said. A bell rang signaling everyone to their spots. Igneel walked Natsu, encouraging his son.

The music started, and Lucy was walked by Gray. Natsu's eyes scanned up and down, amazed by her beautiful look.
"She's--she's beautiful..." He said as a tear flowed down his blushing cheeks. Lucy's dress clung to her beautiful curves. The sleeves were lacy as they covered her arms and the white dress was thin, and the veil completed it.

She made it halfway when Natsu lost it.
"You're beautiful!" He yelled out. Everyone awed at his excitement. A few more tears came from him and his parents as Lucy was now next to Natsu, eyeing his suit with a pink tie. He looked damn sexy and she knew it.

He couldn't stop looking at her.
He couldn't stop smiling at her.
He couldn't stop loving life as she was next to him.

Time went quickly and it was time for their vows. Natsu recited it so much, he knew it by heart.

Lucy said her vows and they both teared up as the final words came from the priest.

"Do you, Natsu Dragneel, take Lucy Heartfilia as your lawfully wedded wife, promising to love and cherish, through joy and sorrow, sickness and health, and whatever challenges you may face, for as long as you both shall live?" The priest asked.

"I do." Natsu said, looking Lucy in the eye full of happiness.

"Do you Lucy Heartfilia, take to be your partner in life and sharing your path; equal in love, a mirror for your true self, promising to honor and cherish, through good times and bad, until death do you part?"

"I do." Lucy said as she smiled at Natsu.

"I know pronounce you husband and wife, you may now kiss the bride." The priest said. Everyone waited eagerly and Wendy smiled.

Natsu pulled Lucy in for a deep kiss, full of love and excitement, full of passion. He broke the kiss and looked at his wife, before kissing her again as everyone laughed and smiled.

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