Fight -

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Enjoying their time with puppies, the two teens almost forgot about the time when they heard a honk and Mavis quick handed them their uniforms.
"Gosh I'm sorry!" She said apologizing.
"No it's fine! We have to change into our PE uniforms anyways." Lucy said. They waved goodbye to their new friends and Natsu made a plan to adopt Happy. Mavis agreed she'd keep Happy reserved as a gift for Natsu, thanking him he was going to give the kitten a home.

Entering the school and running past a large crowd, they made it into their PE class and was given a uniform and a locker. The girls changed and Lucy sighed in relief as she saw Juvia, Levy, and Erza in her class. The girls hugged each other once they were dressed.

Natsu changed into his uniform making conversation with the other boys. He was a decent guy, he liked video games and such and loved playing sports so he fit in pretty well with most of the boys. He met Gray, Gajeel, and Jellal and three instantly clicked. Gray kept a close eye on Natsu, but not in a bad way. He said he had all his classes with Lucy and Gray didn't want Natsu to do anything to her.

Then Natsu brought up that subject.

"So what's with that asshole guy Lucy's going out with." Natsu asked.
"He's really someone you wouldn't want to mess with. He's a devil who's using Lucy. He threatened to send her nudes to every one of his friends and post it on a website if Lucy said anything or broke up with him." Jellal said as the three boys walked outside.

Natsu became even more infuriated at the fact he would send nudes like that.
"Hey, Lucy is our best friend so it's best you don't tell Sting what you heard from us. We don't want Lucy getting hurt. She's been through enough." Gray sighed. Remembering the days Lucy would cut herself and almost tried to kill herself. It was horrible. Sting had done all that damage and no one could say a word. She even had little scars on her wrists and some on her thighs.

"Alrighty everyone line up!" The gym teacher yelled as everyone stood in a line. Boys on one side of the field as girls on the other. They would choose soccer which was Natsu's favorite sport so he of course was the first captain. The second captain was Rogue, one of Sting's friends. He was also eager to see the nudes so he always tried to steal Sting's phone.

Then on the girl's team, Erza was captain which scared everyone. And the second captain was Lisanna, someone who hated Lucy and her friends. Lisanna set Lucy up as well and Lucy knew damn well that Sting and Lisanna had been seeing each other, as well as having sex as she accidentally caught them.

They didn't see her since they both were so caught up in the moment, but Lucy didn't dare say a word to Sting about it. The four friends were on Erza's team along with other girls and Lisanna had her team. Since today was the first day of school, they didn't play a game and they were excused early to talk to one another. Natsu of course went to Lucy's side and began talking to her. Lucy noticed Lisanna's stare at Natsu and she began to worry on what Lisanna could say to Sting.

The bell rang and Lucy decided not to change back into her uniform. Nobody did since they could just walk out with their uniforms. Of course as soon as Lucy walked out, Sting had already grabbed her and dug his nails into her arm and shoulder. She was shocked as she saw Natsu grabbed Sting by the shirt and push him away, causing Sting's grip on Lucy to break. It also caused Sting to be pissed which wasn't a good sign.

"What the fuck was that stupid pink haired asshole!" Sting shouted as Natsu stared at him. Natsu smirked and Sting dropped his backpack and shoved Natsu, initiating a fight. Sting was about to punch Natsu but Natsu dodged his punch and kicked him in the stomach, causing Sting to get more angry and ram his head into Natsu's stomach, pushing them both forward and Sting was able to get on top of Natsu and began beating him violently.

Lucy screamed as she managed to push Sting off of Natsu. Sting, then used his hands to choke Natsu, which then Natsu knew was the perfect opportunity to kick Sting off of him, sending him back hitting the pole.
"Stop!" Said a loud voice.
"Shit." Sting cursed under his breath.
"Both of you boys, to my office. Now!" Demanded Principle Makarov, leading the two boys into his office. After the two boys sat in the office,  waiting for their name to be called they didn't look at one another.

"Alright you two boys come into my office." The principal demanded. Inside his office was the usual principle stuff. Cabinets full of files of the students, a calendar that marked dates of meetings and much more. The two boys sat in a chair, bruised and angry.
"Now, Mr. Dragneel, I expected better from you, you are a new student and getting into a fight on the first day of school is unacceptable." Makarov said. Sting smirked at the opportunity he thought he had.

"He attacked me, I was walking with my girlfriend and he just hit me. He's probably jealous he doesn't have one." Sting said giving Natsu a glare. Natsu, on the other hand, was glad he had payed attention at the fact this school had cameras. Quickly, he spoke before anyone else did.

"Well. If that's true why won't you check the cameras. All of them." He said. Sting quickly turned at the principle. Natsu could almost smell his fear as he saw a sweat drop.
"Well. That is crucial. We don't want to punish the wrong person. Isn't that right Sting?" The principle asked hopeful that the new pink haired student didn't cause this.

He pulled up a screen showing the video screens of everything. Natsu pointed at a specific screen, with Lucy, crying as she held a bruise next to Levy, Erza, and Juvia. The principle looked at Sting.
"How about we rewind to see the whole day. All of the cameras will show all the rooms here in school." He said. Natsu's heartbeat raced faster and Sting sweat dropped again. All of the rooms were displayed.

Including the Janitor's Room.

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