A Living Hell -

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It was time for Physical Education, something Lucy was usually skilled at. She learned quickly which always gave her an advantage on her team. Everyone got dressed and Lucy saw Lisanna eyeing her.

The blonde ignored her and changed into her shorts, talking to Juvia. As they went outside, some of the players' spirits were crushed. The field was being worked on and soccer was cancelled until next week. Natsu rushed over to Lucy and began talking to her, when Lisanna walked up to them.

"You're the new kid!" She said. Lucy felt something was wrong as Lisanna grabbed his arm.
"I want to get to know you.." She said. Natsu pulled back his arm slowly and stared at her. Lisanna insisted Natsu followed her to help with her with her homework and Natsu didn't know wether he should turn her down, or just follow her.

Lucy stared at them, her heart breaking into pieces as Natsu had no choice but to follow her. Lisanna turned and winked at Lucy, making it obvious she was trying to seduce him. Lucy bit her lip as her friends approached her, asking her what was wrong and such. Lucy watched as Natsu was being taken away by Lisanna, as if her heart was being torn from her chest. But she brought herself to a simple conclusion--Natsu didn't have interest in her. Of course, it was a different story with Natsu.

"Hey where are we going?" Natsu asked as he ended up being led in a hidden room.
"I've made sure to duck us away from the cameras." Lisanna said. She closed a door making Natsu gulp. Without wasting any time, Lisanna attacked, catching mouths with Natsu...or so she thought she did. She ended up kissing his hand, making her back away.
"I don't do these kinds of things." Natsu said. Lisanna just smirked as she took off her shirt, leaving her in her white bra.

Natsu didn't have the energy for this. He reached for the door when Lisanna stopped him, catching his eye and giving him a playful wink. He certainly had no interest as he was able to take her arm off and make her lose her grip. He left the room, leaving Lisanna's mouth open, trying to recall what just happened.

Natsu made it to the group of friends and Lucy sighed in relief as he got closer. Natsu had dodged a bullet with Lisanna. And now Lucy knew Lisanna would be on Natsu, trying to achieve her goal, wanting nothing but sex. It's all she ever did with Sting anyways. They began to chat and Lucy noticed an angry Lisanna watching them.

Her lip trembled as Lisanna pulled something out of her pocket that seemed familiar...it was a naked picture of Lucy. She smirked as she also had Gray's  bag, throwing the picture in. She ran towards Gray, catching everyone's attention as Gray snatched the bag away from her.
"How did you get my bag..?" He asked nervously. Lisanna walked away without saying a word to Gray and his group.

Lucy ran as fast as she could but it was too late. She heard Gray and Jellal's scream and her face got hotter, the picture fell, and everyone's attention seemed to be on it. Everything went in slow motion as time stopped, it was only Gray, Jellal and Gajeel who caught a glimpse and Lisanna and her group walked past it. Lucy screamed and ran crying towards the restroom locking herself in a stall. She pulled out a razor and began digging it into her skin, her breathing was shallow and darkness began to cloud her eyes.
"Lucy! LUCY!" She heard a scream before everything went dark.

Levy saw the drips of blood on the floor and knew. She just knew. She crawled under the stall and screamed when she saw the sight. Pills and blood were on the floor next to Lucy. By that time, the gym teacher had caught their attention and darted into the stall, also seeing the sight in front of her. She quickly pulled out her phone and called for help as she dragged Lucy out of the stall and pushed her ear next to her chest.

There was a faint heartbeat, and the gym teacher began pushing down on Lucy's chest, giving her at least some hope of living still remained. The ambulance arrived, pushing through the crowd and picked up the lifeless body. Natsu pushed through the crowd, only to be held back by Gajeel and Jellal. Gray also had to be held back by other boys and Levy followed them into the ambulance.

It was all so sudden, so intense, and Lisanna smiled to herself as she grabbed Natsu's arm, making him face her.
"This is your fault isn't it?" He asked demandingly. Lisanna winked playfully and bit her lips, trying to be seductive. Rogue went passed Natsu and shoved the middle finger right in his face.

Natsu didn't care, he just wanted to see Lucy and turned away from them as he ran to his car and immediately followed the sound of sirens crying out as it made its way to the hospital. They arrived and Natsu waited in the waiting room. Not long after, Erza, Juvia, Gajeel, Gray, and Jellal came all having the pale expressions as Juvia held the crying Erza. They were all a mess, Jellal held Erza, sitting her down and calming her the best he could. Natsu as well was on the brink of tears as he dialed his mother's phone to tell her.

Levy was worryingly watching the doctors take her pulse. Machinery was everywhere and Lucy's heartbeat returned to its normal pace and Levy was allowed to go in, pulling a chair next to the blonde. Levy began to slowly cry as there were bandages that covered her wrists.

She had caused herself so much harm, and for what? Lucy had a great life ahead of her, she was beautiful and had so much to live for. Yet her life seems to be disagreeing.
"Everything will get better Lu..." Levy whispered and reassuringly said it over and over again. After minutes passed Lucy finally opened her eyes, blinking at all the lights and machinery that surrounded her.

"I-I want to die Levy!" She screamed out. Levy managed to calm her down as she held Lucy, rocking her back and forth and Lucy once again began to cry. They both cried together, in Levy's arms and Levy whispered nothing but sweet talk into the blonde's ear, rocking the broken girl as the door opened.
"I love you."

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