Abusive Truth -

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They all looked at the camera. The bell had rung and everyone was walking everywhere. And there, in the corner of the screen in the main hall, was Sting dragging Lucy. The door to the janitor's room opening revealing the crying Lucy and Sting.

They watched as he kissed her furiously and the scene of her pleasing him while crying came. The principle quickly turned off the screen and caught Sting's eye.

"Mr. Eucliffe, are you pressuring Lucy Heartfilia into sexual favors?" The principle said raising his voice. Sting gulped as he stood up from the chair but sat back down.
"Mr. Dragneel, I'm going to talk with Mr. Eucliffe, can you please excuse us for a moment and wait in the office." Natsu nodded and walked out, closing the door behind him.

He made his way to the office until he saw Levy and Juvia sitting down as well. They both pointed to a room and he could see Lucy being treated by the school nurse. They caught each other's eyes and she looked so afraid, so broken down. He sat next to her friends.

"What's going on?" He whispered, making sure to keep quiet.
"Lucy...Lucy dropped her sweater and the gym teacher saw what Sting's been doing to her." Juvia said. Levy was on the verge of tears as she herself saw the scars on Lucy which she didn't even know about.

The door opened and Makarov and Sting walked out. The principle motioned Natsu to come in to his office. Once they reached inside, the principle looked at Natsu worriedly.
"So what's your side of the story Mr. Dragneel?" The principle asked.

Natsu remained confident and spoke without sounding as nervous as he was.
"Well I only met Lucy today. I also found out she was going out with that guy. I saw a hickey on her neck and when I asked her about it she looked sad and almost started crying. I saw Sting grab her and he was pushing her and I saw his nails dig into her skin. That's when I stepped in." Natsu said. The principle eyed him curiously as he sighed.

"There is a better solution than fighting. This would've gotten you suspended. But, seeing as this was standing up for another student, Mr. Eucliffe will be suspended for a week. What he's doing is considered sexual harassment. I would also like to speak to Lucy Heartfilia. You're off the hook." The principle said standing up and led Natsu to the door. "If anything else happens, please tell us instead." He said and he closed the door. Natsu walked and saw his mother there running up and hugging him tightly. Makarov came out again and began to explain. Out of the corner of Natsu's eye, he saw Lucy and the nurse talking.

"Are you sure that is the truth Ms. Heartfilia?" The nurse questioned Lucy. Lucy nodded slowly as she walked out of the office. Lucy met with her friends and they walked her outside where Sting was waiting.
"All right now fuck off shorties." Sting said to their friends. They looked irritated and Sting then got into the car and flipped them off.

They arrived at the house and Lucy was worried about confrontation between her and Sting. Sting then got so close to her, she could feel his heartbeat and their lips almost touching. She saw him smirk. It was the same smirk he gave her before he raped her.

She remembered. She will always remember.

She quickly turned and went for the kitchen, until a hand stopped her and she was pulled until her back was on Sting's front. She felt his nose on her head as he made his way next to her ear. His whisper sent shivers down her spine.

"I'll forgive everything that's happened today if you do whatever I want." He said. Lucy's lips twitched as she nodded, regretting it as he picked her up, took her to the bedroom and raped her until she couldn't take it anymore, and passed out.

Entering the house, Natsu's father Igneel stood in front.
"Why did you get called to the office on your first day Natsu?" Igneel asked. Natsu took in a deep breath and explained the entire situation.

He even told them about the clip of the two of them in the Janitor's closet and how Sting forced Lucy to do what Sting had wanted. It made Grandine drop her plate, making it shatter all over the floor.

"Is that the girl you were talking about earlier!" She exclaimed. Natsu nodded as he reached for the broom and began to sweep up the broken glass, making sure his mother wouldn't step on it.

They heard a shriek as little footsteps came running and Natsu caught Wendy, picking her up and spinning her and ended the fun by kissing her cheek. He made sure to place her down away from the pile of broken glass. She ran back into her room laughing and giggling all the way.

"Well. Stepping up for that young girl was important. But I don't you to get into trouble with this boy." Igneel said. Natsu looked at his father and smiled.
"He wouldn't dare mess with me again dad. Cause I got something he doesn't," Natsu said.

He pointed at his chest. "I got a heart." Smiling, Grandine kneeled next to her son, proud she raised such a wonderful guy.
"Still, that boy has me worried." She said. Natsu nodded as he went to his room, digging in his backpack to find what he was looking for. He pulled out a number and a thought hit him like a truck.

"MY CAT!" He shrieked. He ran back downstairs, past his parents without even warning them, and drove off back to the Pet Store.

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