Lunch -

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They walked into the police station, Lucy nervous and Erza determined. They walked up to a working lady and Erza slowly tapped the counter.
"I have a report to file in." Erza said.
"What would that be?" The lady asked. Lucy walked up slowly as she rubbed the makeup off her face--it was now or never.

"My goodness!" The lady exclaimed. Lucy began to tell her the whole story of Sting abusing her, of what he did and her suspicions that he was the one who killed her parents. She remained strong even if the tears wanted to make its way out.

"That's a very awful situation. I'll file a report immediately. What is this man's name?" She asked.
"Sting. Sting Eucliffe." Lucy shakily responded. The door opened revealing a police officer. He was buff, and mean looking. However once he saw Lucy, he seemed to slowly lose that tension.

"We can go arrest that gentleman now. And you also claimed he has pictures of you and threatened to show everyone if you said anything to anyone? Also my name is Gildarts." The police officer said. Lucy simply nodded.
"Ms. Heartfilia, that violates your rights and is a crime. We'll make sure this doesn't happen again ok?" He reassuringly shook both of the girl's hands. They climbed into his police car and Lucy's heart never raced as fast as this in her entire life.

Of course Lucy and Erza would be dropped off at school for Lucy's safety. They entered their third hour class and the officer came into the room and began to whisper something to the teacher, excusing and making sure to keep an eye on Lucy.

Lucy sat next to Natsu, and slowly began to explain the entire situation. Embarrassingly enough, she told him about every time he wanted her to do sexual things for him. Natsu looked at his desk, wondering what could cheer Lucy up.

Then, he remembered.

"Hey Lucy, my mom wanted you to come over...she thought you were a nice girl." Natsu said. Lucy liked the idea so she happily nodded. Lunch came quickly, and the students were free to go now. Lucy hopped into Natsu's car, looking at the streets she's only seen a few times.

They reached Natsu's place and Lucy eyed the house curiously. They didn't live in a mansion. However the house was a little bigger than most houses, but it seemed they didn't care about their wealth. Natsu opened the door for her, revealing a clean house, surprising Lucy.

Grandine heard the door open and wiped her hand on a towel. She was excited! She made a special meal that was almost ready and quickly went to the front of the house.
"You must be Lucy." She said smiling at the blonde.
"Oh look at you, you're so beautiful, I hope we can make you feel as welcomed as we can." She said cheerfully.

Wendy came running and stopped when she saw Lucy. Wendy's smile went ear to ear and she hugged Lucy's legs, giggling. It made Lucy smile as she kneeled and accepted Wendy into a hug.

Natsu smiled at how big Lucy's heart was. Smiling, Grandine led the three of them into the the kitchen. Lucy gawked at the sight of a clean kitchen among the newest kitchen supplies. Everything in this house was up to date and meowing came from the floor and everyone looked to see Happy, who purred against Lucy's leg and Lucy picked the kitten up, and quickly set him down.

"Sit next to me!" Wendy exclaimed joyfully as Lucy picked the chair next to the happy child. Natsu sat next to Lucy of course and his mother sat next to Wendy on the corner, keeping a close eye as she stood up, going to get their plates ready. She prepared steak, evenly cooked and perfect for serving. Smiling, she brought the plates to each one and set a bowl of perfectly mashed potatoes and a side of a salad on the table.

Lucy couldn't remember seeing this much fresh food since she started dating Sting. She saw Natsu already dive into his meal and Grandine served Wendy mashed potatoes.

Lucy took a bite of her steak and happily hummed at the taste of it. She smiled as she saw Natsu, staring at Happy and waving the piece of steak in front of the cat. Lucy felt like she was part of a family, a home. She mentally thanked Natsu as he pointed at the wet food on Happy's dish.

Lucy was embarrassed as she looked at her plate almost finished. Natsu wasn't even done...
"Lucy honey, would you like to stay with us? I see now that Sting has been captured, we don't want any danger for you." Grandine offered. Lucy felt so warmed by this, but she shook her head. "My friend Erza invited me to stay with her until I could get a home. Lucy said.
"Mom there's like 10 minutes left and I'm done." Natsu said. Lucy looked at her plate and was also full. She waved goodbye to Grandine and Wendy as Natsu drove away, happy this was his chance.
"Hey uhh Lucy?" He asked. Suddenly he stopped himself. This wasn't the time for her to be seeing another guy when someone beat her...she'd probably be too afraid or something and say no. Natsu told himself. He quickly changed the subject.

"So what do you think happened to Sting?" Natsu asked. Lucy looked out the window and softly sighed.
"I don't care as long as I don't see him anymore. He was horrible Natsu, he made me do things. I always urged him to-" Lucy stopped herself. She didn't really want tell Natsu about that. Natsu looked at her.

"Tell me. I want to be your friend and to support you now." He said seriously. Lucy took a deep breath in.
"I always wanted him to use protection. I was so scared if I were to get pregnant he'd toss me out or kill me. I've seen him having sex with Lisanna, a girl that hates me.

She's been seeing Sting and that's probably how he found out I was with you or something." She said shakily. Natsu looked at her as he slowly approached the school, parking into any chances that offered him. 

They parked just in time as the bell rang and made their way to Art Class. Leaving Natsu curiously wondering if he should tell Lucy his true feelings for her...

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