10. Denying The Scare (Day 4)

360 8 2

Word Count: 739

Rated: PG-13

Description: Gru and Lucy watch a horror film (Day 4 of HalloWEEK)


  It was the biggest mistake Gru had committed and he can no longer turn back again. Not after how close they're embracing each other. 

The ex-villain agreed on one of Lucy's tradition: watching a horror film late at night during the month of October.  Indiscriminately, the bald man thought it wouldn't be that scary. But now he was buried in his sheets, jumping at every jump scare, and restrained from watching more. Nevertheless, he was quite and dimwitted himself into watch a marathon of these horror films with Lucy. On the other hand, the redheaded was a fanatic when it came to watching scary movies. Though, there wasn't anything scary about it. She laughed how unrealistic these situations were and how the characters reacted to them. Film after a film was fun. Lucy was more focused towards the movie than her shivering husband. At times they would be holding hands or in each other's arms. 

The last scene ended with the assumption of a dead body now opening its eyes. Then the credits rolled. Before Lucy would take the disk out, she felt hands wrapping around her waist. Then, her husband's face on her flat chest. She blushed by his movements. "Um, honey," Her eyes now glaring at his bald head. No words were needed for her next sentence. Gru slowly unwrapped her waist and crawled back to his side of the bed. The ex-villain rubbed his baggy eyes. The lack of sleep recently hasn't been doing swell. Incoming projects were expanded, cutting his sleeping hours. Nevertheless, falling asleep was the worst scenario in this case. Not after watching a marathon of horror films!

Unfortunately, the redheaded yawn followed by some mumbling. She cleared herself saying, "It's getting pretty late and I'm sleepy." The mattress bounded with Lucy's weight as she left for the bathroom. Gru shivered as he found himself alone in the room. As silly as it sounds, he was terrified. The man pushed himself upright with his knees next in front of his face. Ceasing the trembling from his knees, Gru wrapped his arms around them rocking himself like a child. He started conceiving on his child-like behaviors. Gru didn't want to be known for the baby. He didn't want to always be clinging on to her wife like a koala. No. He was his own man, and man doesn't get scared. 

Gru freed his knees, the sheets now covering him whole. Before the aspire ex-villain closed his eyes he turned his lamp off because real men don't sleep with their lights on. It felt passive for a couple of seconds. Dis isn't so bad. Feeling more confident he snuggled up his blanket. 


The sound of the door opened. The redheaded flicked the lights on. She noticed her poor husband at the edge of the bed with fear in his eyes. "Wha-What's going on?" The agent abruptly snickered. "N-Nothing." Blurted he. "Right."

The night went on as one. The moon still shines from above and the household was filled with sleepers. All but Gru. 

Not wanting to wake her wife up, he tried thinking of happy things. Like Lucy, flowers, the sunshine, light, smiles, more light, his girls, but mostly light. Then rapid flashbacks of the bloody bodies displayed in the movie diminished his thoughts. The thick trail of blood followed by body parts. Crawling zombies ensnaring and gobbling down those parts down there throats with blood dripping from the corner of their mouths.

Little did Gru know, his arms were embracing Lucy's slim body. Tears ran through his cheek. There was no need to hold them back now. "Ho-Honey?" Mumbled the agent. "Are you-are you crying?" Lucy ran her fingers over her husband's damp cheeks. 

She gasped. "Baby! What's wrong? Are you ok? I'm here for you." She hesitantly stated. 

The bald man didn't reply, his tears did all the talking. Lucy's thumb lifted Gru's chin. It was hard but the redheaded scanned for any words. "Please tell me." 

"I-I'm scared." He whispered. "I'm scared, terrified and-" Gru stopped to swallow hard. "I need you." He stated clearly. With that, he grasped her body tighter. "Is it because of the scary movies?"


"Oh baby, you should have told me that you're afraid of those things." Her voice as comforting as a blanket. "It's ok Gru, I got you. I got you"~

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