26. Young Christmas Love

354 7 3

Word Count: 1023

Rated: PG (angst) 

Description: Kid!AU Lucy and Gru enjoy the beautiful snow outside


  The young girl shut her eyes as she stuck her tongue out in at the sky. Once she felt a frigid touch on her tongue she smiled. Lucy hasn't enjoyed the snow like this for a long while. The youngling felt she had the freedom to run, feel, maybe even savor the snow, now that she's out of the orphanage. Lucy's mitten hands reached down and scooped for snow on the ground. The season complimented her pale face. Her cheeks and nose were the only blush in her face. Even her freckles were no longer visible. She was wrapped with thick layers of clothing that made her appear thicker than usual. Her favorite Christmas themed hat covered the red locks of hers, as well as the ear muffs, protected her sensitive ears. Finally, her turquoise scarf completed the look. The redheaded lightly patted the snow. Her gloved hands skimmed through the edges of the snow as she formed a ball. Lucy's head turned in search of the familiar kid she always hung around with. Her eyes glared at the back of his jet black hair. Lucy swung her aimed snowball towards the kid and hastily dropped down her snow fort she made earlier. The redheaded giggled as she heard the kid shout a "hey." Her vision went down to the snow covered ground. Again, Lucy scooped more snow and formed it ball-shaped. With the ball in her hand, the redheaded stood up. But her nose touched the other kid's pointy long nose. It was the only kid she has ever hung out with, Gru. 

"Yu know that hurts right?" he nagged. Lucy glanced down at her snowball. Her fingers compelled the snow. She watched as the destroyed snow slipped through the crevice of her hand. "Sorry." Lucy frowned, murmuring. 

"But it won't hurt as much as this!" He blabbered. Lucy looked up. "Huh?" Before she could react, Gru slammed snow onto her face, causing her to tumble down in a roar of laughter. The redheaded brushed the snow off her face and lifted her body up. "Hey, that wasn't fair! I wasn't ready." She ensnared snow from her fort and balled it between her palms. "That was de point." Gru turned walking into his own fort, across the front lawn. Lucy aimed for Gru's back this time. She threw the snowball while giggling. The boy tumbled forward.
"Lucy!" he shouted. Gru ran towards the redheaded loaded with a pile of snow in each arm. "Here! Take that!" He tossed one toward her hat. "And that!" It landed on her arms then another on her chest. The young girl tried blocking each ball but was caught up with her laughter. A smile crept on the coat covered boy. His grin illuminated his pale face. Whenever the sound of laughter took place he couldn't help it but join in, especially if it was Lucy's giggles. It was a strange sensation the young boy felt the overwashed his body and flushed his cheeks. It was a sensation he never felt towards anybody but the redheaded. Gru couldn't put his finger on it, but Lucy was responsible for his feelings. 

The moon and stars took control of the sky, the kids were inside the boy's house since the snow blew harder and colder. The fireplace sizzled with its burning flames, it shifted anywhere it preferred. It was also the perfect way to be heated up. Therefore, the two kids were individually snuggled up in their own blanket chattering with hot cocoa in their hands. Lucy swiped her hand across her chocolate mouth. Her eyes observed the dance of the fire. Her eyes twinkled at the sight of the flames as if it took her soul. "Do you feel sad." She murmured through the crackling of the flames. Gru faced the redheaded. "What do you mean?" He sipped his cocoa. "It's almost Christmas and your mom isn't even here yet." Replied Lucy.

Gru stared at his swirling steamy cup. He frowned. Marlena promised she be for her son before Christmas and now it's only days away from the holiday. Worst of all, she promised Gru that about two months ago. And she still hasn't returned. The young boy would roam around his room helplessly thinking "It's just a trip to Russia, she'll come back before Christmas," over and over again. Yet again, when has Marlena ever really made her promises come true? 

"How do you feel whenever you spend Christmas without parents?" Gru asked. 

Lucy blinked in surprise. Gru's frown reflexed to the redheaded's face. She pouted. Lucy drank her sadness away with the cocoa. "But that's different because I've been in the orphanage for a long time now and I got used to it. Besides you're always with your mom meanwhile, I'm not." Lucy whispered the last part. "At times my mom makes me feel like I'm invisible. As if I didn't exist." His eyes darted at the flames toward him. Lucy opened her mouth but Gru stole her words. "I rather spend Christmas with yu, Lucy." He faced her. The redheaded turned and scanned at the affection of the young boy's face. "Yu're so kind, caring, and the best and only friend I have. You are like family to me. Yu always cherish me for my goals and pity me for my failure." He began. The blue in his eyes glimmered through the lights of the fire. It caught the redheaded's attention. "Isn't that what Christmas is about, spending time with family? And if yu are like family to me then I'm inviting yu for Christmas." Gru added.

Lucy was fluttered. She had never heard such passion and truth in such sentences. Her hand grasped for Gru's. For once the boy didn't jerk away. Instead, he enjoyed the warmth of the girl's palm on his. "I would love to Gru!" She smiled. 

The redheaded scooted closer to her best friend. Shoulder to shoulder, they watched the fire dance along with the feeble sound of the snow clicking on the window outside.~

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