Book 2 of my Grucy one-shots! :D
The start of Gru's life with a wife and three adoptive children has been going out well. Just for now, though. As time travels from the past to present, life varies and so does relationships. Couldn't get enough of m...
Despicable Me 3 Trailer came out and I just saw it and it's the most beautiful creation I have ever witness!!! This is going to be a pretty packed chapter with random stuff so GET READY!
First of all THIS...
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Lucy snapping a picture is so dorky of her! She'll be the type of person who'll be taking pictures as a hobby. After defeating a heist, Lucy will flip her phone out of her pocket and take a quick selfie (before Silas comes). Lucy wraps her arms around her husband's shoulder and clicks on the screen. The picture comes out perfect except Gru is squinting and scrunched his shoulders or in other words, he came out terrible. Gru tells Lucy to delete the photo since he doesn't look flattering, Lucy nods and puts the phone away. The next thing you know she sends the same picture through Gru's phone (if he has one lol) or she'll show it to her daughters. Lucy has a secret Facebook account where she posts all of her photos, even the not-so-flattering ones. Margo is the one who operated the account and they both only know about the account. Since Lucy's a newbie about social media and she wants to be hip with the teens, Margo suggested Facebook is the best option. But Lucy notices that rarely any teen is on Facebook it's just adults in their late thirties. (somehow) Lucy operates her own Tumblr account by herself. In there she learns new things like phrases. So she'll ask what they mean. For example, she'll ask "Margo what does shipping mean?" or "what's an OTP, Margo?" After Margo explains what they mean, Lucy will randomly use these phrases to Gru. "Honey, I ship us. As in you and me in a relationship."The redheaded smiles with a gleam in her eye. Gru turns to her with his half-lidded eyes stating, "We're married, Lucy..."
She also learns that whenever you ship someone they have a shipping name. Which must be where she came up with Grucy but I'll talk about that later LETS GET GOING!!
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(Why am I getting a Herb vibe here?) LOOK IT'S HIS ROBOT HENCHMEN! CUUUTE! I'm guessing Balthazar made these robots, perhaps he has an army of them who knows? The fact that his scheme color is purple makes me happy.
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