25. Dru Headcanons

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There comes a point in life where you have to drag all your Christmas drafts and focus on the main topic. That is me right now...

Just for the ones who don't know who Dru is this is him, the one in the right...

He's Gru's lost twin brother and he (along with Bratt) is MAIN reason why I'm so hyped for this movie

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He's Gru's lost twin brother and he (along with Bratt) is MAIN reason why I'm so hyped for this movie. And I'm not speaking for myself but as well as for fans when I say how hyped we are. Anywho, since I have no absolute patience for this movie Imma just jot down headcanons for this boy.

•First of all,👏 DrU 👏 iS 👏 gAy!

• hella gay

•gay af (thank you for this one aqualive!)

•he's a DRAMA QUEEN 👑

•unlike Gru he was very popular in school

•he's admired by everyone regardless of their gender or age

•all of the girls swoon over him

•meanwhile, the boys secretly love his appearance and want to know his secret for being so perfect

•at times he was an all A student

•loves his hair more than he loves his men though

•brushes his hair every second

•he lets his nieces style his hair

•it usually ends up in a high-quality french braid👌

•is into fashion

•keeps up to date with fashion

•is most likely to own a closet full of white clothes

•can't stand any stains or dust on his clothes

•he likes showing off his body

•in the beach, he is most likely to wear a speedo and sport it very well (even better than his brother)


•he probably doesn't even like kids

•except if their names are Agnes, Edith, and Margo

•likes cats

•even though he's allergic to them

•thinks that Kyle looks like a monster (poor lil doggy)

•takes advantage of his perfectness

•looks like a precious cutie is actually the vicious thing ever

•secretly a villain(?)

•would he work for Balthazar?! 😱

•if he do then he probably does it because he's a fool in love

(now I'm shipping Balthazar and Dru -.- someone QUICK MAKE A SHIPPING NAME!!)

•or I have a feeling when Bratt sees him he'll be like CRAP THERE'S ANOTHER GRU I HAVE TO DEAL WITH! meanwhile, Dru has his dreamy eyes on and starts flirting with him

•...Dru is top and Bratt is bottom (i must be stopped)

•thinks that his brother is a nerd for loving and building gadgets

•is shocked that Gru is already married

•did I forget to say that he's single?

•yeah he's single

•(this isn't a Dru headcanon but) Gru thinks Dru is hitting on his wife so Gru protects his Lucy away from Dru, little does he know that his brother already has his eyes on another man...

•is secretly jealous that his brother is married first

•likes making fun of Gru's bald head

•is a social media person

•has a Grindr account (shh don't tell)

•also has Instagram, Snapchat, and Kik

•a lot of followers (mostly women though)

•also taught Lucy how to use the social media

•followers/likes on all of her posts

That's all I got, feel free to add more

K, Bye!~

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