33. Ring of Love

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   Just a heads up that I'm going to start writing drabbles until I finish I this book (which is pretty soon!)

I know New Years is around the corner and we can't wait for 2017 to come. As humans, we always wish for the best of the next year and we forget/forgive our past mistakes as we welcome the new year. We always wish for the generosity of the world, wealth, health, and the best for your family and the world. As well as we want to start clean and happy, and that's exactly how Gru wants it. He wants to start the year with a sweet surprise that has roamed around his head for a long time now...

Getting Married

His delightful enthusiastic redheaded have been dating for 4 years already. They've known each other from inside-out. Lucy also had the mental appearance as a mother. She was there when a broken heart was in aid, whenever bruises were a problem, or when a teddy lost it's stuffed head. Lucy was always there when Gru wasn't available. But whenever he was there, they worked as a team to get the problem solve in a matter of seconds. Thanks to the lovely attitude of the redheaded a the wits of the ex-villain they cured everything. Either way, two heads work better than one!

Lucy's motherhood wasn't the only thing that convinced Gru, it was also the bravery vibe she carried around her. She wasn't a woman in distress who anyone can easily sweep her feet off. No. She was a daring lady who took risks, even risks that Gru wouldn't normally do. Thanks to her confidence, the ex-villain held his trust in the palm of her hands. For example, he would never jump off a building with a parachute without Lucy by his side. Her heroism has as well saved his butt a couple of times. 

If a woman was cable to appear like a mother yet be daring at the same time, she deserves the best love she can have. And Gru always tries his best with the quick pecks on her cheek during work. He might as well be cheesy and bring chocolate with a rose attached. But that's Gru's admiration toward his Lucy.

Therefore, before the bell strikes 12, before the fireworks blast off at the sky, before any of that: is when Gru kneels down. 

When he does, Gru stares at the shimmering eyes of her soon-to-be-wife. She's ready to let the tears of joy flow on her cheeks. There was no restraining them as she nodded furiously, repeating yes over and over again. The palm of hands covered her flushed face. She takes out her left (or right, depends on what type of hand you put the ring in your country) hand. Gru grins as he slides the shining ring perfectly around Lucy's ring finger. Lucy hastily snatches a kiss from Gru and as if on cue, fireworks start thundering/enlighting the sky. 

The New Year has begun, as well as a new life


I was pretty cheesy myself but OH WELL! Happy NEW YEARS!! I hope to write more Grucy! Happy 2017! BYE YA~

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