30. Tis The Season For More Headcanons

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Christmas Headcanons! 

•At first I Agnes looks like the type of person who truly believes in Santa, but she actually finds it scary for Santa looking over children

•Whenever Agnes takes a picture with "Santa" she tries not to sweat it and say how weird looking "Santa" looks

•Nevertheless, she keeps this innocence of believing Santa since her parents think she does

•Gru dresses as Santa for the first half of Christmas Eve for some strange reason...lol

•Edith doesn't believe in Santa at all but does believe that Reindeers exist

•Therefore on Christmas Eve she has her nunchucks, a net, carrot (to feed them), and her ninja suit on so she can be still, quiet, and invisible as a ninja

•The carrot is placed on the roof of the house, so if Edith hears any movements she acts fast and tries to capture/see a Reindeer

•She never gets to see one though

•But once, Edith heard movements in the roof and found half of carrot eaten

•It was later found that it was on of the minions who were wrapping lights on the roof and found a carrot and ate it, but Gru and Lucy never told Edith, for her heart would be broken

•Margo doesn't believe in Santa nor Reindeers
•Instead, she helps her mother with the wrapping of presents for neighbors and co-workers

•If she has spare money left, she buys her sisters and parents gifts

•Ugly Christmas sweaters is Lucy's favorite thing

•Agnes doesn't really mind, she actually thinks it's there pretty and shouldn't be called "ugly"
•Edith hates it, it itches her skin and irritates her
•Margo likes them + they look good on her

•Gru also doesn't mind

•Lucy surprisingly knitted them

•She also made 899 more for all of the minions and another one for Dr. Nefario

•(She's exhausted)

•For Christmas photos, Lucy gathers everyone with their sweaters and pose next to the tree

•She posts these photos in her Tumblr/Facebook ;)

•They're type of family who waits till 12 am to open presents

•but Agnes and Edith end up sleeping before 12

•Their Christmas tree contains homemade card that girls made 

•It also holds old family pictures

•Opening presents = a big sea of broken wrapping paper

•The girls like shaking their gifts before opening (who doesn't?)

•They always scream in shock on whatever they get
•Imagine Margo got her first phone in Christmas! SHE WOULD BE SH00KED!

•The two dorky parents smile as their daughters' open presents, praising themselves/each other for picking such good presents

•Gru gives Lucy a beautiful diamond necklace

•Lucy felt bad because it must have cost him a fortune to buy such a beautiful present
•But Gru doesn't care, as long it's for the person you love is important

•Meanwhile, Lucy gave her husband a coffee maker along with a few handy-dandy tools

•They kiss afterward ;)


•So Lucy gave him the universal Christmas gift...


•(she really doesn't know THAT much of Dr.Nefario and vice-versa) 

•On Christmas Day, they don't do anything but watch a marathon of old and new Christmas movies with the whole family

•Or they continue their normal lives but Lucy keeps the Christmas spirit with Christmas songs playing throughout the house

Merry Christmas!

Happy Hanukkah!

Happy Kwanzaa! 

Happy Holidays! :D

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