15. Moments with Kyle

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K, back with my drabbles/thoughts/imagines/whatever you want to call it...

  Straight up I'm going to say that Lucy is an animal-lover. Though I fear she would be allergic to a specific breed of animal. But Kyle, Kyle...well we don't even know what the heck Kyle even is! So Lucy is ok hanging around him. She likes petting his fuzzy back, scratching his tummy, you know normal pet-owner things. 

But I would like to imagine on an early morning, with the sun just peeking over the horizon, the couple is walking Kyle down the residence area. They would be sporting their pj's and they don't really care nobody is awake at that time so yeah. Anyways, Gru and Lucy are basically half asleep with coffee from earlier keeping them energized. They huddle together and hold hands with smiles on their faces while Gru grasps Kyle on a leash. The walk is nothing but the rattle of Kyle sprinting off anywhere he prefers and a few yawns here and there. It'd be rare if either starts rambling about yesterday or their dreams or wouldnot. They don't speak because all they want to do is enjoy the sunlight on their body and the warm embrace of their hands. Once their back, Gru releases Kyle and Gru starts making breakfast while his wife stares in awe.  

So that's basically their early routine

Finally, Lucy would randomly buy large amounts of treats which lead to her spoiling Kyle. Since Gru has already scolded his wife about the treats, Lucy still gets her way sprinkling treats for her favorite dog. For example, before they're off for a mission Lucy would be excused to use the "bathroom" aka giving treats to Kyle. Or how when the whole family finishes eating, Lucy usually washes the plates and throws leftover (from what Gru knows). Instead, when her husband has left the dining table, she starts throwing the good leftovers to Kyle. Or when they're something Lucy doesn't like eating she secretly gives it to Kyle (who is more than happy to eat it). 

That's why he's always next to the redheaded when they eat




Also, if you are recently seeing Yuri!!! On Ice, I'm legit dying over Viktor's dubbed voice actor. HE SOUNDS LIKE GRU WHAT THE HECK!

If you haven't seen GO AND WATCH IT!!!! ASDFGHJKL;'~

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If you haven't seen GO AND WATCH IT!!!! ASDFGHJKL;'~

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