38. T H A N K Y O U!!

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(I'm so late) BUT THANK YOU FOR 1.2K READS! YAY!!  :DD

I'm noticing how diverse the DM fandom is and I'm quite thankful for that! We fangirls/fanboys are dispersed yet we share a common like which is Despicable Me or Grucy. Even if half of this fandom is basically toddlers, the other half is just teens who are still in that kid phase or just love the romance between these two dorks. For example, me :P. I'm stating this because my first book Hang In There is already at 2.4K reads! Wow, thank you for that as well!!

I don't know if it's my writing style ya'll enjoy or just the shipping (maybe both?) but I'm glad for these 1K reads! Now I'm off to write MORE Bratt headcanons or a short Druthazar fic as a special for ya'll! ;))~

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