7. Pumpkin Craving (Day 1)

532 10 5

Word Count: 635

Rated: PG

Description: For the festive Autumn season, the family carves pumpkins (Day 1 of HalloWEEK)


  "This is going to be that best pumpkin ever!" Squealed the youngest child. Her eyes were drawn on her tiny individual pumpkin, the one she has been begging for. As for her sisters, they had a slightly bigger sized one. But nothing was compared to the sizes of their parent's. The whole afternoon was dedicated to carving a pumpkin nothing less or more. 

The family sat on the floor, with pillows underneath their bottoms. Provisions of rags newspaper and knives were scattered. The vigilant redheaded glanced at her daughters every second when carving with a knife. To her surprise, no cuts nor injuries were made. Therefore, Lucy poked and carved the top of the fruit. The opening wasn't perfection but she was able to take the top off. The agent's hand scooped the insides and placed them in the newspaper. The mother raised her head by the voice of Edith. Her hand was dripping of seeds and pulp. "I'm taking its guts out!" Edith haughtily shoved her hand into Agnes' face. "Ew." Agnes leaned back, defying the guts. After Lucy ensnared the pulp and seeds, she planned its design. While Lucy conceived, the others indiscriminately carved. The agent grasped her knife and began. 

"It's nice that were doing this together." Commented she. Her knife swiftly poked where she wanted the eyes to be. "Yes, it is nice." Gru breathed. Lucy hastily glanced at her husband's work in progress. She didn't want to witness any of theirs until they were completed. The redheaded rotated her pumpkin til she carved two triangles. Happy with her progress, she headed for a circular nose.

As simple as it sounds, Lucy carved a circle in the center. But she wasn't aware that her thumb was in the middle of the progress. Therefore the knife impaired her thumb and the stingy feeling of her cut was painful. Lucy restarined her pain and diminishing her blood by sucking her thumb like a toodler. "Did yu cut yurself?" Asked the ex-villian. She nodded. The bald man pittied her as he took her hand. Gru carresed her palm before kissing her bleeding thumb. The indirectkiss made the agent blush more than she should. "There. Be careful honey." He realesed his wife's hand. Lucy smirked, continuing her carving. 

Last step was scuplturing the mouth. The challange was complex but nothing could interfere Lucy Wilde. The aspire agent modled the mouth the best she could. 

"Done!" The girls said in unison. 

"Me too." Gru added. 

Lucy glanced up then back at her half-carved smile. "U-Uh, I'm almost finished." She assured. The redheaded finished the mouth and scanned for any errors. It wasn't the best pumpkin, but it was her first. Lucy faced her carved piece torwards her family as well as did the rest. 

Lucy observed an unspoken talent of carving pumpkins. Margo's was ideally modled into a replica of her facial feautures, with glasses and all. Edith defined hers with scarier feautures, such a grin with fangs that peeked from cheek to cheek. Agnes' carved her's as a minion. Finallly Gru modled his pumpkin nothing other than Lucy. "Why did you make your pumpkin into me?" The flattered agent asked. Gru turned to her. His hands carresing her's again, lightly rubbing her injured thumb. "Well I like carving my pumpkins perfectly and yu're de definition to perfection." He smirked. His hands crawled up to Lucy's cheeks and kissed her sweetly. 

"Aww!" Margo and Agnes chanted in unison. "Blegh." barfed the middle child. 

Lucy pulled back. "I'll go get the lighters so we can place them outside." 

Now everytime Lucy comes back from home, she'll spot her face illuminating inside the pumpkin reminding her the sweet generous love of her husband.~ 

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