Chapter 12

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After what felt forever of Nari fangirling over Jimin, I found myself falling asleep. We passed a few turns and every time my head would knock on the cold glass. I felt a buz in my pocket as the car drove into my driveway.
"You're phone." Nari pointed at my pocket.
"I'll check when I get out." I opened the car door and took off my seatbelt.

(By the way guys- seatbelts are your best friend in a car- wear them- they save lives- not promoting car seat belts but still am... yeah wear them.)

I stepped out of the car and pulled out my phone.
"Thanks for dropping me off."
"No problem [your name], anytime!" Her mother replied happily.
I was about to turn away when Nari called me back.
"You dropped this." She handed me a small, mint green ball of paper.
"Um... T-thanks?" I looked at it confused but it must have been in my pocket before-hand if she saw it fall out.
She waved goodbye to me through the car window and I went to open the door.
"Hm? That's a surprise... no door in my face today." I turned the door handle and was greeted by a dark, cold room which sent chills down my spine.
My eyes grew wide as I noticed how messy the room was.
"H-Hello?" I slowly took a step in.
It was so quiet you could hear a pin drop from upstairs. I continued walking in and couldn't help but listen to the broken glass crunching under my shoes.
"What happened?" I walked further into the room.
All the photo frames and small glass decorations had been knocked off their shelves. There were little glass birds shattered all over the ground.
"Maybe I can never fly" I could hear their lifeless souls saying.
Ok I couldn't hear it but there was a something inside me who just knew that would be something they were saying. I opened my messages and found an unknown number.

 I opened my messages and found an unknown number

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"You owe me?" I read.

What do I owe, and to who?

- Random question: Out of 10 how much do you rate this story so far and is there anything you think I could improve on?

- Second thing...






















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