Chapter 33

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I've been too lazy to update these oml- Aaaaah here's an update finally,, I've been working on art mostly,, Sorry for super duper late updates- I read through it and realised that some things are confusing so I'll try clear them up so they all line up! 

 We all got back to the dorms and I made a B line straight to Suga's room. Knocking loudly on the door I yelled out his name a few times. Suga emerged from behind the door a few seconds later and his eyes met mine.
'Explain everything. Right now.' I pushed the door open a little more so that I could see more than just his face.
All the members were watching us. As soon as they saw us both look at them they continued to the kitchen to drink their coffees. Nari remained standing in the corner of the room, with Suga eyeing her for a few seconds.
'Sure...' he opens his room door and steps out as a move aside.
'As you know, Nari and her parents were in the car and another car crashed into theirs. That one happened to be your fathers-' He paces the room a little bit.
'I was only walking down the street and was gonna go back to the dorms but I went to see if everyone was ok. I got Nari out but couldn't get her parents out of the car.' He continued.
'How did she not get to the hospital but her parents did?' I asked him before he started talking again.
Nari walks up from the corner of the room and gives me an answer.
'I told Suga to leave and that I'd be fine- I walked away before the ambulance came and as you can see I wasn't hurt badly...' She says while lifting her arms in a way to show off what little scrapes she had.
'I met up with your father and then came in- My plan was to get you both back for what you did.' She turns her back to us as she continues.
'But turns out the man in that car wasn't him- he just looked similar from the glimpse I saw. So I decided to use him to get you back- You always get all the guys... You know I like Jimin and yet you never turned him down. I was jealous!'
'Yeah, that's pretty evident from what you did next!' I spoke angrily.
'Where did you even get a gun from?' I questioned her as I took a step closer to her.
At this point we had both forgotten about Suga standing in the background.
'This girl gave it to me- Uh she had long dark hair and wore ripped jeans, leather jacket- just fancy mute colours.' She vaguely described the girl.
'That's the same girl I've been seeing lately- she asked about you that day you chased me!' I crossed my arms.
'Listen [Y/N]... that girl was after your father- she gave it to me when I was walking after the accident, and she seemed to know you.'
I stood there for a while, trying to decide if I knew the girl or not. My thinking was cut through by someone clearing their throat.
'I'm still here...' Suga said as he put his hands in his pockets.
'Oh yeah you got anything else to explain or does Nari have it all?' I say as I switch my interest from Nari to him.
'I only made you go to that location and knock you out because Nari said someone was out to get her- That stuff about me doing something to get you so that she can get him- or whatever that was- was all a lie.' He stares at Nari while he says the last part.
Nari only stared, a little embarrassed, at what he said.
'Ok then I'm off- that's all I had to say...' Suga walks back to his room and closes the door once more.
I turn back around to Nari and look at her with a serious face.
'So this girl has something on you? I saw her at the hospital that day.' I speak again.
'Yeah she probably killed my parents and now she's come to get me and you!' She clenches her fist and starts to walk around the room.
Jimin comes down the hallway and comes around the corner carefully.
'You guys are finished talking?' he whispers.
'Yeah yeah were done here.' I say as I walk towards him.
Nari shows no change as she stares at the floor, thinking.
'Wasn't that girl from primary school?' Her head snaps up and she clicks her fingers in a way to show she remembers.
I look at her, confused.
'That girl named Kira!' She points violently towards me and jumps a little.
I tilted my head a little to the left as I became more confused.
'The one that kept sticking her gum to other girl's hair when they weren't looking!!' She starts clapping like a seal as she starts to remember more.
'Oh yeah that girl-' I never liked that girl. She was always sketchy, watching everyone from the corner of her eye, never turning her head and letting her eyes follow.
'Are you talking about the girl at the hospital?' Jimin scratches his head a little as he leans on the wall.
I shake my head slightly as I remember telling him she looked sketchy on the day.
'So this girl, Kira, made you kill [Y/N]'s dad or else she would kill you? But she killed your parents and is now after you both?' He narrows his eyes and raises an eyebrow the more he explains.
I stare at the floor trying to process everything.
'You know what... Let's worry about this in a few hours- I can't process everything properly right now!' I say as I walk over to the kitchen and open the fridge, hoping to find some food.
'So this is why you guys got muffins and coffee from the shops...' Disappointed, I close the fridge and scavenge around for any snacks lying around.
In the doorway of the kitchen you can hear a small giggle and look over to see what Jimin finds so funny.
'You look like a raccoon!' He laughs some more.
'Now listen here Jimin- I know I didn't get much sleep last night but that doesn't mean you need to point out my-'
'No, you're looking for food like a raccoon!' He starts to laugh even more as he interrupts me.
Nari is in the background also joining him.
'Although you could also use more sleep-' She wheezed in the background.
'Alright now you look right here-' I exclaim as I victoriously grab a snack.
I pop the packet open and start to eat the [Food Name], completely forget that I was going to square her up.
It stays quiet for a few minutes until someone bursts through the dorm door, yelling at the top of their lungs.  

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 18, 2018 ⏰

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