Chapter 25

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I watched her finger as it pulled the trigger 3 times. I heard a slump to my left and she grinned. Suga grabbed my arm and we both ran, not looking back for a second.
"The door's left down the hall." Suga dragged me behind him as we both ran.
"Can't you run faster?" He sounded irritated.
"Dude you knocked me out cold and expect me to feel like I can jump hurdles! Like the blood's only just reached my brain again." I sped up my running a little.
"Ah sorry, I forgot about that."
"Yeah, I've been seeing doubles for the last few minutes!" I puffed as we took another turn.
"SUGA WHERE ARE YOU?" Nari was yelling after him.
"Ignore her and keep going. We're almost outside." he dragged me through a door and we kept running down the hallway.
We soon reached an old door.
"Shoot it's locked." Suga started hitting the door violently and yanking the door handle.
"There's a window there." I pointed.
"That'll do." he moved a few old boxes and broke the window.
It was just big enough for him to fit through nicely. I climbed up to the top of the shelf where he was and he jumped outside through the window.
"[Your name]?" Nari's voice echoed through the rooms.
I passed my body through the broken window and hoped for the best as I jumped down, just as Nari entered the room.
My foot slipped on the edge of the wall and I found myself falling for the second time in a week.
"Seriously?" he caught me and gave me the eyebrows.
"S-Shut up. I slipped..." I got up from his arms and moved away from the wall.
"Which way?" I looked around confused.
"Right." he pointed and I followed him.
We walked past a few people, but one person stood out the most.

- Honestly I think Jimin has gotten really skinny. Is it just me?

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