Chapter 32

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Sorry for not updating in so long// got caught up with art and model makers and so many assessments// but here's an update! I hope it's alright and clears up maybe some confusion past chapters left behind hahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaiconfusemyselfwiththestorytoo// (have a beautiful Jimin focus cuz he is a perfect man alkjhvdhsagskjl)

'You wanna know who was in the car that hit us from the side?' she smiled creepily.
'Your father.'
Nari's shaking hand pointed at me.
'YOUR FATHER!' she fell to her knees and bawled her eyes out.
I stood there, processing everything. Did my father crash into her car before the mess in the house or after?

The longer I thought about it, the more confused I became. Nari continued to cry on the floor as Jimin tried to comfort her.
'I don't understand, when did you get in the car crash?' I knelt down to her level.
'After we dropped you off' she replied.
'Ok hang on, you dropped me off, the house was trashed when I got in, my father wasn't there and you got into an accident? How did you manage to get my father there then?' I counted the events with my fingers as I said them out loud.
Jimin and J-Hope started in confusion trying to make sense of what was happening.
'You remember how Suga returned your phone to you when my parents picked you up? Well... I asked Suga to text your father an address and to not message back. Plus, I know you never pay attention to your messages unless someone texts you, but you're completely oblivious to any that don't message you so it was easy.'
'So why was my house trashed?'
'That part I don't know, probably just robbers or something?' she wiped a tear off her cheek.
'Actually I think there was a gang going around breaking into people's homes and if you were there at the time they'd attack you. I'm guessing that's what happened and maybe your father was trying to get to the hospital?' Jimin spoke.
'Yeah you could ask your dad what happened!' J-Hope chimed in after Jimin.
'Slight problem.................. I murdered him................' Naru cupped her face in regret.
'[Your name] I didn't mean it, I'm so sorry!' she started to cry again.
'It's fine.' I responded.
'Really? Is it?' she looked hopeful as she grabbed my shoulders.
'No.' I abruptly stood up, causing her to fall forwards.
Nari and I continued to argue for a good half an hour or so until Jimin and J-Hope both cleared their throats.
'We should get back to the members now, the drinks have gotten all cold and Hobi here has already eaten all the muffins.' like a hamster, J-Hope slowly stuffed the last bite of muffin into his mouth.
'I have a few questions for Suga, mind if I tag along?' I shrugged Nari off my arm as she continued to plead for forgiveness.
'Sure' J-Hope smiled, leading the way.

/I'm more active on Deviant Art but that only has art I don't post any storied but if you're interested my deviant art is LucyHeartfilia77- I have commissions there too you can use Deviant Art Points and I have a few Adopts there too~ 

I have YCH (Your Character Here) this is one I made for someone ^^^ (OC belongs to DanteKizu on Deviant Art) If anyone here has a deviant art let me know and I'll check your page out! I might update this later as well cuz this was a short chapter,,

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I have YCH (Your Character Here) this is one I made for someone ^^^ (OC belongs to DanteKizu on Deviant Art) If anyone here has a deviant art let me know and I'll check your page out! I might update this later as well cuz this was a short chapter,,

Thank you for being patient with this story as I take a long long long time to update// I hope you enjoy the story~

Also! From now on Rap Monster will be RM (I won't go back and change it cuz that'll be difficult but just a heads up when they get back to the members~

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