Chapter 2: Hating everything

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Chapter 2


I miss Peeta. I really do, I want him to be here with me. But I don't know if I can fully trust him, I mean his hijacking may not go away. Thanks a lot Snow.

Haymitch is really getting in my nerves now, and I can't stand him much more. I need Peeta to tell me that it's gonna be alright.

"Thinking again, are we?" Haymitch teases me. Again.

"Put your head in your bottle and drown yourself Haymitch, I mean it!" I growl at him.

Haymitch just laughs. How the fuck can he just laugh all the time, when my life is destroyed? I don't have Peeta, my mother left District 12, my best friend Gale also left, and my ... She is dead! I only have stupid Haymitch left here. Or well, I do have Greasy Sae and Stella, but they only come to cook and than they leave. Of course I have the stupid cat, but he reminds me so much of ... Her.

"I don't think my head fits in the bottle, sweetheart", he laughs.

"Can you just fuck off? I really can't deal with anything anymore!" I shout as tears start streaming down my face. "I can't, it's too damn hard! Don't you get that? I've lost the little I actually had in my life, I've lost everything I had!"

"You've got me!" Haymitch says.

"So I should be thankful?" I ask him.

"Very!" Haymitch says and nods.

I roll my eyes. Stupid Haymitch. But he did make be smile a little.

"You know... Maybe he comes home soon", Haymitch says.

I look at him. Frowning as I don't want to get my hopes up, because even though he comes home, he may not love me, and he may not be the same again.

Haymitch better not try to plant false hope in my brain, because if he does, I'm seriously gonna make him hurt.

"Haymitch, if you're messing with me, by bringing him up, I'm gonna make you're head fit in that bottle, trust me!" I growl at him.

Haymitch frowns.

"I'm not sweetheart!" He says. "I haven't talked to doctor Aurelius, but I have talked to Plutarch, and he tells me that Peeta really is getting better, and..."

And? And what? Why does he interrupt himself? He never does that.

"And?!" I ask.

"I'm supposed to fly up there and talk to him".

"What?! You're leaving? You're going to the Capitol? To ... To meet ... To meet Peeta?"

"I am", Haymitch says.

"When did you find out?" I ask.

"Last week".

"And you didn't tell me?! What the hell Haymitch?!"

I feel my temper is going into a place it shouldn't. I've had problem to keep my temper okay. I've had some outbursts and, I kind of hit Haymitch once, I've not done that anymore though and it really was his fault, he teased me so much that day.

"Katniss calm down..." Haymitch says carefully, but it's too late, a plate has already left my hand towards Haymitch.

Haymitch ducks and the plate crashes into the wall behind him.

"Aahhh!" I scream frustrated. "I hate you Haymitch!"

"Calm down!" Haymitch says.

"Like hell!" I shout and throw another plate towards him, but yet again, he ducks away.

"Katniss..." He mumbles.

The next thing he does, really surprises me. He never liked hugging other people, but that's exactly what he does. He hugs me.

"Katniss I know why you're upset, it's because I'm gonna meet Peeta and you're not", Haymitch says. "I get it, you miss him, and you do wanna meet him even though you don't know if you should, and that's why you're getting off on me, making me look like the bad guy in this situation".

I frown. Well, I gotta admit that's what I'm doing right now. But still, I have the right to be angry, when my life is how it is.

"I have the right to be angry!" I say frustrated, and pull away. "Don't I?"

"You do, but you know that you don't need to try to hit me with not one, but two plates from your kitchen", Haymitch says and I snort in a low and short laughter.

"Well, I wish that I hit you with them, both of them, you deserved it after keeping that from me for so long!" I mutter.

"You hurt my feeling sweetheart", he says.

"Let's hope!" I say.

Haymitch laughs and takes a sip from his bottle.

"Don't you ever get tired of drinking? I mean seriously!" I say, sitting on the little table I've got in the kitchen.

"You know I don't", Haymitch shrugs. "Even though you don't drink, I still can you know".

"Just because you can, doesn't mean you should", I point out.

"Touché, sweetheart", Haymitch laughs.

"Why are you getting up there?" I ask. "To the Capitol, I mean".

"I'm not", he says, walking out to the living room.

Wait what? What the hell is this? Is he trying to mess up my brain or something?

"Wait what?" I ask following him out to the living room, and sees him open the front door. "No! You stay right here, now you're gonna tell me what the hell you are doing!"

"I'm not going up to the Capitol, sweetheart", Haymitchs says walking back to the living room, leaving the door open. "I was just going to distract you from going out of the house, I think I did a good job, apart from almost getting platra thrown at me".

"Why?" I ask, feeling my anger return and I start to count to ten. "1, 2, 3, 4, 5..." I get interrupted.

"Because of me", I hear and I look up to the front door.

"Peeta...?" I whisper.

🖋941 words✒️
Who saw that coming?

I thought I could update once more today, because it's the very start of the story, and I hope you liked this second chapter.

Please tell what what you thought if it, I would be really happy if you could do that :)

Vote and comment please, I would be really happy, really really really happy :D

-Josephine xx

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