Chapter 34: Stress

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Chapter 34


As soon as Peeta leaves the Victor's Village I see Annie open the door to her house and she comes running over to me. I know this, because I'm standing and looking out through the window, like a creep.

I also see Haymitch meet up Annie along the short way and together than walk towards mine and Peetas house.

I walk away from the window and into the kitchen, so they don't think I'm a creep staring at them.

I start to take out everything. I feel a bit stressed out. Why did I tell Peeta to hurry? My mouth didn't follow my thoughts, it followed my heart. I really do want Peeta to hurry home to me, but yet we're having his surprise party today and we need to fix everything. Why did I say that to Peeta?

"Katniss why are you stressing so much?" I hear Annie's voice behind me.

I spin around and sees Finn on Haymitch shoulders, with a tight grip on his hair. Annie is the one standing closest to me.

"I made the stupid mistake of telling Peeta to hurry with the big order and hurry home to me", I say irritated. "I don't know why, because now I know that he's gonna hurry, I kind of promised him something if he hurried home as well, oh I'm so stupid!"

"What did you promise him?" Haymitch asks.

"Something privet and intimate", I say slyly.

"Oh!" Haymitch says. "That was stupid, he's a boy Katniss!"

"I know!" I say, starting to panic. "Please just help me get everything ready".

"Yeah of course, that's why we're here you know", Annie says and kisses my cheek. "Just calm down, you'll get nothing done if you're this stressed".

I take a deep calming breath.

"Alright, and everyone should be here with the train in about four hours, I'm gonna go meet them, so you guys can finish everything", I say.

"Yeah, but who is everyone exactly?" Haymitch asks.

"Um... Let's see...:






Greasy Sae





"Alright, but you didn't say ... Isn't he coming?" Annie asks.

Oh I forgot.

"Oh yeah, I forgot, no he's coming as well", I say.

"Oh good, Peetas gonna be so happy", Haymitch says and I nod.

Yeah he is.

We start to fix everything in order. It's so freaking hard, just the three of us, and with Finn who slows us down a bit by hunting after our legs.

"Finny baby, please play with your toys, here", Annie says, taking up a toy from the floor and gives it to him.

Peeta and I have a lot of toys here, Finns toys of course. He's here a lot with Annie, so it's good to have toys here for him, because he gets bored pretty fast.

I try not to freak. It has been almost four hours.

"We're never gonna make it you guys!" I busts out, grabbing my hair.

"Katniss, if you don't calm down, I'm gonna force some sleep honey into you!" Haymitch threatens as he puts down bowls on the dinner table.

"Fine", I sputter. "But how in the world are we going to make it?"

"By not panicking", Annie says as she tries to puts up the banner without success. "But this is really starting to freak me out!"

I laugh and walk up to her and helps her to put it up across the living room.

I look at the clock.

"Shit I gotta go", I say and hurry up to the door. "Please save my life by having everything done when we get back, or else I'm gonna have a heart attack, I swear to god I'm not lying".

"Don't worry", Annie says. "But can you take Finn with you? It will be better, so he don't slow us down, besides it's good for him to get some air".

"Of course", I say. "Come here Finn".

Finn comes running towards me very clumsy and I carry him up.

He laughs and I smile, walking out of the door.

I decide to walk by the bakery and see how it goes for Peeta.

When I walk inside the smell of baking hits my nose. Finn starts smelling the air.

Suddenly Peeta comes out from the kitchen with a big box in his hands.

He stops in his moves when he sees us.

"Hey there, what are you two doing here?" Peeta asks, putting down what I think is an empty box.

"Just checking up on you", I say.

"Haha how sweet, but I'm gonna be here for at least two more hours, I'm done with the cake, but I have some other things to do here as well, but I promise that I'll be as quick as possible", Peeta says.

"Swurpwriwse!" Finn exclaims and I need to control my panic.

"Huh?" Peeta asks. "What Finn?"

"Surprise that we came and visited you", I say, and laugh, but I want to scream.

Peeta laughs.

"Yeah, that was a big surprise Finn", he says.

I nod, trying to keep a natural face.

"Yeah but we're gonna continue on our walk, and let you finish this", I say.

"Okay", Peeta says a bit sad.

"Aww baby don't he sad", I say and peck his lips.

"Okay, I'll see you at home", he says and smiles.

"Yeah you will", I say and with that I leave the bakery.

I hope that everything will be ready by than.



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-Josephine xx

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