Chapter 55: Missing you

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Chapter 55


It have been about a month since Stella's first date. Now it have been up to 100. Okay, I'm joking, but at least twenty dates.

Stella is no longer at home all the time. She's always out. Either she's in school, or with Marcus.

I really miss our little girl. We barely see her anymore and it's breaking my heart.

Peeta takes this really hard. He really wants Stella to be home a little more, so we get time to see her.

But he doesn't tell her that. He wants her to have her space. And I do to, so I'm not asking her to stay home.

"Bye mom, bye dad, see ya later", Stella says, as she takes her school bag.

"Yeah when?" I mutter.

"Huh?" Stella asks.

She stops in her moves and turns around.

Peeta looks at me with a sad look, yet he smiles.

Oh I said that out loud? Oh no.

"What do you mean mom?" Stella asks and frowns.

Oh what the hell am I going to say now then?

I look at Peeta and he nods.

"Only that, ever since you and Marcus got together, we haven't seen much of you, we've been lucky if we've seen you at dinner", I say, sighing. "And that's really hard".

"Yeah and even Finn asks a lot about you", Peeta says.

And that's true. He's really sad about not being able to see Stella. She goes off to school before him, and he goes to bed before she even gets back to Victor's Village. So he hasn't seen her in about a month now. Poor Finn.

"Oh", Stella says and sits down in the armchair.

"Baby you know, even though you have a boyfriend now, you can't stop doing everything else", Peeta says. "You need a balance you know, if you continue like this, you're gonna get board".

"But you don't get board with mom", Stella says.

"Yes but we're not fifteen Stella", I say. "And we don't meet each other all day, your dad is in the bakery all day, and we meet our friends a lot, it's not only us two, that's the balance, friends, you haven't met your friends in a long time, they've been here and asked for you, but you're never home, you're always out with Marcus and you even goes in the same class, someday you're gonna get really board on each other".

Stella frowns. She sighs.

"Oh, I never thought about that", Stella says.

"That's because you're in love, and when you are, you don't think about what you're doing", Peeta says. "Believe me, I know all about it, love can make you do the most craziest of things, but sometime you need to put your foot down somewhere".

Okay, Peeta is right. He did do some stupid and crazy things.

He allied with the careers to protect me. Oh and remember when he volunteered for Haymitch just so he could follow me back into the arena? He wanted to protect me, and I wanted to protect him. Everything ended in a total disaster. I mean I did crazy things as well, one of them being that I almost made Peeta and I eat nightlock.

But that's in the past, now we're looking forward and not back, so forget what I just said.

If I don't stop thinking about this, I'm seriously gonna burst out in tears, because I'm not good at thinking about what my Peeta went through just because of me, and of what things I did. He really didn't deserve that. I did. It should've been me.

"Yeah you're right dad", Stella says. "Can't we do something today? You know, us three, Grandpa Haymitch, Aunt Annie, Finn, Aunt Felice and Uncle Pollux, Cassidy, Aunt Michelle as well, that would be fun, maybe a picnic in the meadow?"

I smile so big when I hear Stella's suggestion.

That would actually be kinda perfect.

"I would love that a lot", I say.

"Me too", Peeta says.

"I'm so sorry", Stella says and runs up to us and hugs us both at the same time.

I smile.

I look at Peeta, and he looks at me and smiles.

It's like we have you're little girl back, when she hugs us like this. The little girl who used to fall asleep in Peeta's arms curled up into a ball.

"But you need to hurry now baby, or else you will be late for school", I say, and Stella straightens.

"Yeah, but I'll come straight home so we can have that picnic, I promise", she says.

"We love you so much baby", Peeta says.

"I love you guys too, you're the best parents ever", she says as she runs out of the door.

There she goes. Our beautiful daughter.



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-Josephine xx

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