Chapter 51: The ghost

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Chapter 51


Finn just won't let the ghost thing go. He just won't. Every time he's in mine and Katniss house, he tells us that it's a man standing with us, and he starts talking with no one and nothing.

He says all kinds of weird things, and it sounds like he's answering questions.

He's freaking me out.

I mean yeah, kids usually sees ghost. But I don't want a freaking ghost in my house!

Stella don't like it when Finn starts talking to the 'ghost', she thinks it's creepy, and so does Katniss and Annie, and Felice as well.

"Finn enough! There's no one there!" Annie says, watching Finn as he stands in the middle of the floor, talking right into the air.

"Yes he is! It's a man here and ... No, he disappeared", Finn says disappointed.

"For good I hope", Annie sighs low.

But then we here a scream from Katniss. She's upstairs. I sprint upstairs with the others after me.

"Katniss?!" I shout and runs into our bedroom.

I see that the bedroom door is open and I know she's there.

She stands pressed to the wall and it's looks like she's going to faint.

"Katniss what is it?" I ask.

She raises her arm and point shakily at the mirror.

"Holy..." I shout and jerk.

Something is written at the mirror. No like someone is writing it right now.

I see how a K is formed. But no one is forming it.

"Hey mister, there you are", Finn shouts happily.

What? So the ghost is real?

I read what the 'ghost' has written.


I look at Katniss and sees that she's about to fall.

I rush over to her and catches her.

"Finn ask the man who he is", I say.

"Mister what's your name?" Finn asks smiling right into the air. "Aha, okay".

I look at Finn, this feels really weird.

Finn looks at me.

"He says that his name is William Everdeen", he says and Katniss whimper.

Katniss father.

Why is he here though? He's been dead for many years. Shouldn't he have moved on or something like that?

"Finn ask what he's doing here", Annie says.

Finn asks as he smiles and laughs.

"He says that he's just visiting, and that he's suppose to go soon", Finn says. "And he says that he loves you Katniss".

Katniss whimper and starts to cry.

"I miss you and love you so much daddy", she says and sounds so little.

"He says that he misses you too but he need to go home now", Finn says.

Katniss whimper even more and I hold her tighter.

"What made him come here?" I ask.

"Well something about some adoption", Finn says.

Oh. So when we adopted Stella, Katniss father felt the urge to come see her? What? I didn't even believe in ghosts and now I'm believing this? Hm...

"He's saying goodbye now", Finn says and starts to wave. "Bye bye Mr. Everdeen it was nice meeting you".

He continue to wave and then he stops and looks at us again.

"He's gone now", he says.

This was the most weird thing in my entire life. I mean ... Seriously. Should I believe this? I mean he did know Mr. Everdeen's first name. How did he know? No one told him ... Except, the ghost. And Finn really was talking to someone.

Oh. He's gone now anyways.

But Katniss is shaking like crazy.

I walk out with her from the room and out her in bed.

Everyone leaves the room.

I'm about to leave as well.

"No don't go", I hear Katniss say.

So I lay down beside her and wrap my arms around her.



Hey guys,

I know this was short, but what did you think about the chapter?

Please tell me, vote and comment because I really want to know what you guys thought, it's really important to me :)

-Josephine xx

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