Chapter 45: Family

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Chapter 45


I'm not like I was before.

Before Rye and I entered the last Hunger Games, and I thought that Mama was pregnant when she was younger and I thought that they got me to replace the baby they lost, I almost killed myself.

Now when we're reading this. Reading about a girl named Stella ... I don't really know what to feel. I'm not angry, and I'm not hurt. I'm confused. I think Mama and Papa are going to adopt her in the next chapters, but if they do, she's our sister. But if that's the case, why haven't we heard about this Stella before? Not a single word about her. This is the first time. When we started to read this book.

Stella and Finn seemed to get along really well.

"Why can't I remember her?" Finn asks and massages his temples. "I just can't no matter how freaking hard I try, and apparently everyone thought that we were like brother and sister".

"Yeah, but that's not the main question, is it?" Rye says. "The main question is; why didn't they tell us about her? And what happened with her, when she's obviously our sister, if Mama and Papa really did adopt her".

"Yeah, no one told us, and everyone knew about her", Cassidy says. "Mom, dad, Aunt Katniss and Uncle Peeta obviously, Annie, Uncle Haymitch, and I'm sure that Aunt Johanna knew about her as well, and no one told us, what the hell?!"

Yes. Why the hell didn't they tell us about her. I mean if she's mine, Rye's and Sunny's sister, we had right to know before now, right? I just don't understand why they wouldn't tell us about Stella.

What happened?

"Yeah but what the hell happened?" I ask.

"What do you mean Willow?" Sunny asks.

"Why wasn't she around?" I say.

Everyone becomes silent.

"Mom, was she our Auntie?" P.J asks, who still clings onto Hunters back.

"I don't know that yet sweetheart", I tell him and strokes his hair.

P.J reaches out his arms to me. I take him off Hunters back and puts him in my lap and he leans against me as I stroke his hair.

I think he got a bit depressed now. Oh my poor baby.

Family is everything to P.J. That's also something that relates him to his granddaddy. Family was everything to Papa. So even though P.J only has Papas eyes in appearance, he's so much alike his grandfather in his personality. But both me and Hunter think that it's good that P.J is like his grandfather.

I keep on stroking P.J's hair.

"Hey buddy, we don't know what happened with Stella, I'm sure that nothing serious happened, maybe she just moved when she got older", Hunter says and puts his hand under P.J's chin.

Yes he's fifteen, but that doesn't matter, he's still our baby boy. And he's really upset right now.

"But maybe she did something stupid", Katniss says. One of Rye's two daughters.

Katniss is ten, and she's very much alike Rye. In appearance and personality. Katniss therefore looks just like Papa but has Mamas eyes, just like Rye does. And she's suspicious and doesn't trust people easily. She also defends her sister and cousins. Yesterday she ended up in a fight with a girl that teased her sister. She's just like Rye. I remember when he and I were younger and he ended up in fights almost everyday because of me. He tried to defend me. I still feel a bit bad about that though.

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