Chapter 12: Avoiding

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Chapter 12


Now we arrive back home. As the train slowly slides into the station to District 12 I collect my things inside my compartment that I've just thrown around in here.

I drop my brush and sigh irritated. I'm not in the best mood right now. I just feel so frustrated. It feels as if Katniss is avoiding me, but I don't know why. Why would she? Have I done something wrong?

Now I drop a cup and it breaks into a million pieces.

"Crap!" I shout angry just as Haymitch enters my compartment.

"Woah take it easy Peeta!" He laughs.

"Not in the mood Haymitch!" I snap at him, ignoring the broken glass when I just jump over it and close my bag.

"What's up with you?" Haymitch frowns.

"Nothing", I mutter as I take my sunglasses and put them on and flick my hair, ready to walk out of the train.

"No your right, you're really happy", Haymitch says ironic and annoying. He's really starting to get on my nerves right now!

"Do you know why Katniss is avoiding me?" I ask. Haymitch looks guilty and that says it all. "Why?" I ask.

"I'm not the one who should be telling you that, wait until she's ready to tell you", Haymitch says.

"Fine!" I snap and leave the compartment with the bag tossed over my shoulder.

I walk in the corridor and suddenly Annie is walking beside me.

She's really big. You can almost think that she's going to explode any minute now.

"Hah cool", she says pointing at my sunglasses.

"Why thank you Annie", I chuckle.

"What's cool?"

I jump as Katniss is now on my other side.

"Peetas sunglasses", Annie says.

Katniss looks at them and frowns.

"Yeah they are, I don't know if I like them though", she says, smirking.

What happened with the avoiding part? Maybe she won't continue avoiding me anymore. Let's hope so.

"Yeah? Why not?" I ask looking at her.

I mean, why doesn't she? I like them, they're cool and good looking.

"Because we can't see your eyes", she says smiling. "And we should be able to see them, because they're beautiful".

Okay... Let's see, she avoids me for three days, and now she's telling me that I have beautiful eyes? Why is she behaving so odd? Oh I can't read her at all. She keeps everything inside herself and doesn't let anyone understand her thoughts at all.

I'm not mad at her. No no, I could never be mad at her, I just wish that I could understand her a little bit better. I mean is that too much to ask, after everything we've been through together?

I don't say anything, I just chuckle.

"Well I'm gonna keep them on anyways", I tell her.

"Yeah, you do that, they make you look really cool, Peeta", Annie says and I laugh.

"Me? Cool? I don't think so!" I say, still laughing.

"Yeah you are", Annie says, then looking at Katniss. "Right Katniss?"

Katniss nods her head.

We step out of the train and immediately I almost loose my sight because of all the flashes from the cameras. And I have sunglasses!

Oh god. Do they ever get tired of doing this? Following us? Taking pictures of us? Writing about us? Because I sure do.

Katniss seems really uncomfortable, so I put an arm around her, and she hides her face in my chest and I lead her through the commotion while Annie and Haymitch walks after us.

Finally we get away from the cameras, and by than we've almost reached the Victor's Village.

I let go of Katniss and she takes a deep calming breath.

"Thank you", she says.

"Don't mention it", I say and smirking.

When we come to the Victor's Village, Haymitch shows Annie a house she can take and I excuse myself by saying that I still need to finish things at my house, because I didn't before I had to leave again.

Really it's not that much, just a couple of things, small things, like folding my clothes. Even though I hate it. But still someone needs to do it, and because I'm alone, I need to do it.

When I take out my keys I hear steps behind me.

I turn around and see Katniss.

"I'm sorry I avoided you Peeta", she says, panting.

Has she been running?

"You don't need to be sorry..." I start but she interrupts me.

"Yes! Yes I do. Don't be like that Peeta, please, you're so amazingly nice and wonderful to me, and all I do is behave so badly towards you", she says, and I'm about to protest but she sees that, so she just continues. "I mean, I avoided you because of a reason I thought made sense, but it doesn't, it really doesn't, and I'm so sorry for that, please, can you accept my apology?"

I still don't think that she has anything to apologize for. But Katniss is very stubborn, so it's no use to argue against her.

"Of course", I say.

"Thank you", she smiles and hugs me.

And now when I have her in my arms, I don't want to let her go. But I know I have to.


Hey guys merry christmas to you all :)

I hope you liked the chapter, but please tell me what you thought of it :)

Vote and comment please, I would really much like to know what you thought :D

-Josephine xx

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