Chapter 52: What's time?

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Chapter 52


So... That Stella girl really is our sister?

I have a big sister?

I'm so confused right now and so are Rye and Sunny.

We have another sister and we didn't know anything about her. Why the hell didn't Mama and Papa tell us, when she clearly was their daughter.

They adopted her. She's a Mellark. She's Stella Mellark. Or was, or still is. If she's alive where is she? If she's dead, what the hell happened?

Didn't we deserve to know that we have a sister?

Rye is frustrated. But he can't act out on he's frustration right now. And why? You might ask.

Because of P.J.

He's really devastated.

P.J put two and two together. He knows that something must have happened. Something happened to Stella. But we don't know what yet.

Like I said before. Family is everything to P.J. Stella is his Aunt and therefor he takes this personally.

"Why didn't they tell us we have a sister?!" Sunny asks angrily.

I sigh.

I can't answer that question for her. I can't, because I don't know.

I don't know why Mama and Papa didn't tell us.

But along with Stella, other stuff happened. Like Finn seeing ghosts.

He freaking saw a ghost. A ghost! The ghost of my grandfather. That's creepy. And it seems like he talked to the ghost like it was a person.

"I saw a ghost", Finn says amazed. "I really was a strange kid".

"Yeah you knew that I was gonna be a girl", Cassidy shrugs. "But ... Do you guys think that I ever met Stella?"

I think about that.

"Well ... yeah I do think that", I say. "I mean it's obvious that Aunt Felice was pretty far in her pregnancy, and Stella was twelve. So yeah, I think you met her, what happened to her though?"

That's a question that no one can answer. No one knows.

Or someone did. Our parents. And grandpa Haymitch. Everyone knew, but no one told us. They sure could keep a secret. And a big one as well.

Stella was a human. That's a big secret to keep, don't you think?

I can't get over that something happened, but what could it be?

What could possibly had happened, that they, the adults, decided to keep Stella a secret and never ever speak of her?

Or is she alive? Did something happen between Stella, Mama and Papa?

What happened?

The best way to find out, is to keep on reading.

"Hunter baby, please continue to read", I say horse as I stroke P.J's hair.

P.J is really down right now. He want to know as well.

"Yeah of course", Hunter says, and starts reading chapter 52.


"Mom? Dad?"

I'm in the kitchen, stealing some of the ice cream Peeta made yesterday right from the freezer, when I hear Stella calling.

It's been three years now. Have I said that I hate time?

Felice and Pollux daughter is so beautiful. She really is. They named her Cassidy. She's now two years old. She's so beautiful. Stella and Finn loves her. They totally love her.

Finn forgot that he had some theories about what gender the baby would be. We told him that he always thought that it was gonna be a girl. And he's really proud of being right.

Speaking if Finn, he's seven. And he's so full of energy. Sometimes, while watching him run around in circles, I get dizzy, he's running so fast. How does he have the energy to do so many things at one time?

Stella on the other hand is no longer a little twelve year old girl. She's now fifteen. Fifteen! Oh my god! Where is the time going? Time is a really tricky thing. You can't stop it when everything works great, and you can't speed it up when everything is bad. But lately everything has been working great. And that's the thing. Everything goes too fast as well. Way too fast for my liking.

"Honey I'm in here", I call as I close the freezer.

I hear some running steps and than Stella shows up in the kitchen.

"Hey mom", she says and throws her bag on the little table. "Where's dad?"

"At the bakery", I say, throwing her an apple.

She catches it and takes a big bite.

I laugh. She loves apples.

Stella flicks her long flowing golden hair with her hand, and smile, when I laugh.

Stella is so beautiful. She really is beautiful. Guys are following her around all the time. Even when Peeta and I are with her. Like when we're at the square or something, I can spot guys looking at Stella.

I don't like it. I really don't. Peeta doesn't like it either.

I know that Stella doesn't like it either. But she said that it's nothing she can do. And in some parts she's right. She can't change how she looks. She can't do that, so she can't prevent the guys from looking at her even if it makes her uncomfortable.

"Mom guess what", Stella says excited, looking at me with excited eyes as she takes another bite of the apple.

It must be something really exciting.

"No what?" I ask, leaning my elbows on the kitchen island, and lean over it.

"Marcus asked me out!" She screams in a high pitched voice that make my ears hurt.

I'm pretty sure that the whole district heard her scream.

I'm not sure in this whole date and boyfriend thing. But still I'm excited for Stella. She's been in love with Marcus forever now, and she never stops talking about him either.

"Oh I'm so happy for you sweetheart", I say. "He finally asked you out".

"I know right?! Well I'm gonna go and decide what I'm gonna wear tonight", she shouts and runs out of the kitchen and up the stairs and to her room.

I smile to myself, but I feel sadness wash over me.

Stella grows up way too fast.

Maybe she'll have siblings in the future. I've been thinking about this for a while.

I'm not saying that I'm ready, because I'm not. I'm saying that I've been thinking about it. And maybe sometime in the future it can happen.

But no one knows what the future holds.

But that's life.

A mystery.



Hey guys, what did you think about the chapter?

Please tell me what you thought, because I really want to know what you guys thought. It important to me :)

Please vote and comment to tell me, I really, really want to know :)

-Josephine xx

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