Chapter 36: Another surprise

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Chapter 36


I can't believe Katniss did this.

I look at her and ... Damn she's hot. Is that a new dress? An orange dress. And it forms after her body. Hm ... Okay Peeta, think about something else.

"Finny that's why you shouted surprise before?" I ask in a baby voice.

Of course Finn doesn't really understand what I said. He just laughs. Katniss lets him down on the floor and he runs up to me and hugs my legs. I ruffle his hair. He laughs and runs up to Annie and climb up in her arms.

"Hey thanks you guys", I say happy.

"Don't you miss anything?" Haymitch asks, pointing at the smiling Katniss behind him.

I smile so big at Katniss.

"Thank you baby", I say.

Katniss giggles. Than she runs up to me and jump up in my arms, locking her legs around my waist. Is that her new thing or something? Really, I don't care.

"I hoped you'd like it", she says happily.

I just feel so happy whenever she's happy.

"I do, thank you so much baby", I say.

"Happy birthday babe", Katniss says and kisses my cheek.

She jumps down.

"But we do have another surprise for you though", Haymitch says. "And it was all Katniss and Annie's idea".

Katniss and Annie smiles at me.

What is it? Hm... Now I got curious.

And than someone walks out from the kitchen into the living room.

My eyes widen.

Oh god. I haven't seen him for so long. Oh my god.


He smiles and nods.

"Oh my god! Pollux!"

I run up to him and hug him. I pat his back and he pats mine.

"It's so great to see you, man", I say happily and he smiles and nods.

It's a shame that he can't talk. But I don't care. As long as he's alive and healthy. He's been through enough. Lost his tongue and his brother.

I can see how Felice is giving Pollux these looks I recognize. Does she like him or something? Hah! That would be an odd couple, but a really cute one.

Haymitch comes up to us and hands Pollux a pen and a pad.

"You can't only smile and nod all evening", he says.

Pollux makes an soundless laugh and takes the pen and pad and I smile.

"Are you happy?"

Katniss sneaks her arms around my waist and puts her chin on my shoulder.

She's the best girlfriend in the whole world. I love this girl so much.

"I am, but I need to go upstairs and change", I say.

Katniss laughs and lets me go. But I grab her wrist and pull her with me.

"No funny business, love birds!" Someone shouts. Someone I recognize as Johanna. Of course.

We come into our bedroom.

"How long have you planned this?" I ask, smiling like a fool.

"About three weeks, it was so hard to keep quiet", she says proudly. "And I think I handled it pretty good".

"No you handled it very good", I say, taking off my shirt, and Katniss starts to blush.

"We're never getting out form this stage, are we?" I ask, and Katniss just smiles.

She comes up to me and puts her hands on my chest.

She leans in and brushes her lips against mine. I swallow hard.

"You never know", she whispers, and I swallow hard again.

Katniss pulls away, leaving my heart beat as fast as a mouse.

"Come down when you're ready baby", Katniss says and walks to the door.

"You did that on purpose right?" I ask bitterly.

Katniss doesn't say anything. She just winks at me.

"You're killing me Katniss", I chuckle.

"Always, babe", she says, winks and leaves the room.

What is this girl doing to me?

Oh well, wait until tonight Katniss, I'm gonna rock your world.



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-Josephine xx

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