Chapter 19: What could have been...

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Chapter 19


Peeta jumps up on his feet and starts to pull on his boxers.

"God. Haymitch told me to be at the bakery at three!" He says. "It's half past three".

"Why do you need to be there?" I ask standing up and starts to get dressed as well.

"He wanted to show me the bakery. It was suppose to be done by three", Peeta says. "Haymitch is not gonna be happy".

I giggle.

"Well, he's never somewhere at a time he should be either, so he doesn't have much to say", I say.

Peeta laughs. Pulling his shirt on and starts to button it.

I don't want him to, I want to see his abs.

"Seriously Katniss, take that picture already", Peeta laughs and I give him the evil eye.

"Shut up, will you?" I say as I pull my top over my head.

Peeta packs the picnic basket.

I stand and look at my lake. I would want to swim now. But I can't.

"Come on!" Peeta says as he grabs my hand and starts to drag me.

I laugh as I start to run and now I'm the one to drag Peeta.

"Woah!" Peeta shouts and I just laugh even more, and so does he.

We run and run and get out of the woods faster than we got in.

"How can you run like that with your leg?" I ask as we slow down and walk into the district.

"Well, it feels just as a real leg now", Peeta says. "Really, I don't always think about is as a prostatic".

I become very happy when Peeta says that. I know that he didn't like his prostatic leg at first, now it feels like a part of him.

I kiss his cheek and he smiles goofy.

"It was just on the cheek", I point out.

"But that doesn't stop all the sparkles", he says.

He feels them too? Not just me? Does this happen to everyone who are in love? Get this feeling when they kiss the person they love? Even if it's just the hand or the cheek and not just the lips?

I feel the sparkles and the electricity whenever I'm close to Peeta. Whenever I see him on distance or whenever I just think of Peeta, I feel the sparkles and the electricity. Whenever I look Peeta in the eyes or he has his strong and protective arms wrapped around me, I feel so safe. Like nothing bad can ever happen to me.

How much can someone love another person? Because I know that I love Peeta more than a person can love someone. It's crazy how much I love him.

I just feel so angry with myself. Why didn't I realize my love for Peeta earlier? Like when we came home from the first Hunger Games. Maybe if I had, we wouldn't have lost all that time away from each other. The way our second Hunger Games ended maybe would've ended completely different. Maybe Peeta and I never would've been separated or maybe Johanna would've stabbed Peetas arm and removed his tracker as well. Maybe Plutarch and Haymitch could've saved him, if only I had realized my feelings for Peeta earlier.

"You feel that too?" I ask.

"Every time I'm close to you", he says.

I intertwine my fingers with Peetas.

"I do too", I say, seriously.

"What's wrong?" He asks immediately, he senses that I'm not just as focused anymore.

I look up at him and meets those ocean blues eyes.

"Nothing I guess, I just ... I can't stop thinking about ..."

"There you are!" An upset voice calls behind us.

I turn around and sees that we're at the bakery, and ... Wow. The bakery looks so much better than it ever did before.

"We'll talk about it later", Peeta whispers and kisses my cheek.

I nod. I guess that we have to talk about this.

Haymitch is now right beside us.

"Didn't I tell you to come at three?" Haymitch asks Peeta irritated.

"Gosh calm will you? It's not like you're the most punctual person either Haymitch", Peeta says rolling his eyes.

"Did you guys have sex?" Haymitch asks while a grin spreads across his face.

WHAT THE FUCK? How the hell did he know?

"Excuse us?!" Peeta asks.

"Well you two seem different", he says.

I can't even look at him right now. I'm blushing and that will just make Haymitch think that he's right. Which he is. But I don't want him to know that.

"You're going to show me the bakery, so do that!" Peeta says with a firm voice.

Haymitch shrugs and shows Peeta inside the bakery.

I stand outside by myself for a while. I can't believe Haymitch.

When I'm sure that my face isn't still red, I walk inside the bakery. I don't let go of Peetas hand one time that afternoon.



Hehe okay, I know that this chapter wasn't exactly the most exiding chapter ever. But maybe I can post another one today. We'll see. But would you like me to?

Anyway, please vote and comment to tell me what you thought of this chapter before I'm gonna post another one.

-Josephine xx

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