Chapter 15: I love you!

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Chapter 15


"What is she going to tell him?" Sunny asks.

"I don't know, you interrupted me", I say, smiling.

"I would've liked to see that performance", Rye says. "In the interview, and why did Mama ignore Papa?"

Hm... Yeah I thought about that one too, before I read this last chapter.

"Because she loves him, but she thinks that he deserves someone better than Mama", I say.

"Papa almost killed himself", Sunny whispers with her hand on her big belly.

Yeah. He banged his head into the wall. And what it looks like, he did it pretty hard as well.

"Was he insane?" Sunny asks.

"No!" I say. "No didn't you hear Sunny? Okay listen here!"

I put my finger on the page and I turn the pages and looking for the one where they explain.

And then I find it.

"He didn't try to kill himself Katniss, Haymitch says. He tried to resist a flashback, he didn't want to hurt you, he probably did that because you two were alone", I read aloud. "You hear, Papa was just trying to protect Mama, he knew that he could do something if the flashback hit him, and he would rather hurt himself on purpose to avoid hurting Mama by accident. That's love Sunny, don't you get that?"

"Yeah, but still, I feel so bad for them, why did they have to go through all of that?" Sunny asks.

"Sunny we aren't done yet, something good might happen, and besides it already did, Mama met Aunt Felice for the very first time", Rye says.

"Yeah that's true", Sunny says.

The front door opens, and the children walks through. Mine and Hunters children are the eldest, so they picked up the younger once.

"Hey mom", Peeta Jr says, holding little Annie's hand.

Annie runs up to Rye and jumps up in his arms.

"Hey sweetie", He says.

"What are you doing mom?" Julie asks, sitting down in Hunters lap.

"We're reading a book about your grandparents", I tell her.

"Really?" She asks.

"Yeah, they wrote it themselves", I say. "Wanna listen?"

"Yes!" They all shout.

"Okay, I'll continue", I say, and go back to the page where my thumb is.

"Yes, finally", Hunter says.

"You like this book huh?" Rye asks slyly.

"Well dah, of course", Hunter says.

I laugh.

Now I continue to read, we're now, on chapter fifteen.


I run and run.

I don't stop until I find Peetas room.

I crash through the door.

"Peeta! I need to talk to you!" I pant.

But I look around and realize that I'm not in Peetas room.

My eyes widen.

"Oh god, I'm so sorry, I'm gonna go now", I say and feel my cheeks heat up.

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