Chapter 62: A harsh Haymitch

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Chapter 62


When I wake up, I only sit up straight.

I slowly turn my head and look around, Haymitch is not sitting beside me anymore.

How long have I been sleeping?

The scary thing is that I didn't have any nightmares.

But now I feel all my emotions overwhelm my body all over again and I start to cry.

What happened with Peeta?

They said that he only had an hour. If he didn't woke up he would be gone.

How long have I been asleep?

I start to breath fast and heavily. I start to shake.

I need to find out what happened.

I think I heard someone say the number of Peeta's room. I could have imagined what I heard, but it's a guess and that's where I'm gonna go.

Room 74.

74. I've always had a hard time with that number. 74 and 75. I can't deal with those numbers.

Because that's the numbers of mine and Peeta's two Hunger Games.

Now when I think about what happened earlier, I remember screaming at the reporters that my daughter is dead.

They didn't know she was yet. They only knew that Peeta was in the hospital. And I told the reporters what I didn't want them to know in the first place.

How could I be so stupid?

I arrive at the door and I swing it open.

There I see Peeta sit up the bed, talking to Haymitch that sit in a chair beside the bed.

Peeta's head is bandaged and I can see that he's in pain.

But Peeta is alive. He's alive!

Why didn't Haymitch wake me up as he promised to do as soon as he got any news on Peeta.

"Peeta!" I scream and run inside the room. "Oh Peeta you're alive".

I feel the tears start to flow. Right now it feels like I need to make up for all the lost feelings I had when I got the calming medicine. I couldn't feel any feeling at all. Now I feel every feeling at the same time. Happy that Peeta is alive. Angry at Haymitch for not waking me up. Devastated about Stella. Irritated at the reporters. Sad about the fact that Stella won't be any older.

I hug Peeta carefully to not cause him any more pain then he's already in.

I look accusingly at Haymitch.

"You told me that you would wake me up, old man!" I say in a hard voice.

Haymitch looks hurt for a second for what I called him. But then he get a blank expression.

"Well, you seemed very tired and you worried so much about Peeta, so when those medicines finally calmed you down I didn't want to wake you up, because I thought that you needed the sleep".

Oh that was kind of thoughtful to be honest.

"Oh... Well I'm sorry then", I mumble, looking down at my feet feeling ashamed.

"Nothing to be sorry about", Haymitch chuckles.

Peeta puts a hand under my chin and lifts it up so I can look at him.

"Finally out of the bedroom?" He asks.

I nod.

"Yeah and I'm not going back, unless it is with you", I say low. "I can't believe how stupid I was to do that".

"Well I can", it comes from Haymitch.

"Huh? What did you want to say with that old man?" I hiss.

"Well every time something goes against you, you isolate yourself from the world around you and feel sorry for yourself while others suffer as well", he says harsh.

Ouch that hurt.

"That's enough Haymitch!" Peeta says, preventing Haymitch from going on. "Don't listen to him Katniss".

But he's right. Haymitch is almost always right. He have his own and harsh way to tell the truth, but it's better that way actually. It hurts, but only for a while.

"No but he's right Peeta", I say. "That's exactly what I do, and I didn't help you, asked how you were doing or anything, and look how that turned out".

"It's not your fault Katniss", Peeta says.

"Yes it is", Haymitch and I say at the same time.

We look at each other and smiles.

"Whatever. But I still don't blame you Katniss, I don't think it was your fault and that's that!" Peeta says.

I lean down and kiss him.

I feel the life in his lips and that's all I need to feel right now.

I know that he's really alive.



Hey guys, please tell me what you thought about this chapter.

I know it was boring, but it's gonna be more interesting soon, I promise you guys that ;)

Okay so please vote and comment to tell me your thoughts, because I really, really want to know :)

-Josephine xx

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