Chapter 37: Happy birthday Peeta!

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Chapter 37


The whole evening is so much fun. Peeta is so happy, and that makes me so happy. With our past, we and most of all Peeta, deserves to be happy and have fun.

"Haymitch can you help me with the cake?" I whisper to Haymitch, who nods.

"Of course sweetheart", he says and follows me to the kitchen where we prepare the cake.

We carefully put the cake on a rolling table and put in a few small candles and light them.

"I'll go and turn off the lamp", Haymitch says, and I nod.

Haymitch walks out and turn off the lamps. All the light and all the talk dies out.

And I start to sing, as I walk out to the living room.

"Happy birthday to you,

happy birthday to you,

happy birthday dear Peeta,

happy birthday to you", I sing and I can see Peetas eyes glisten in the glow of the candles when I stand right in front of him.

The others starts singing along with me on the other verse.

"From good friends and true,

from old friends and new,

May good luck be with you,

and happiness too.

How old are you?

How old are you?

How old, How old,

How old are you?"

"Twenty", Peeta says happily when we finish.

I throw my arms around Peetas neck and kiss his lips. Not a long kiss though, because everyone else are still here. I force myself to pull away from Peeta.

"Yeah you are, baby", I say, smiling big and he kisses my cheek.

Peeta looks at the cake and there is the face I wanted to see. At first Peetas face is twisted in confusion but then get an knowing face. Of course he knows the cake. He made it. Today, he made it.

"Wait now just a minute..." He says, slowly, thinking.

I can't hold back a giggle that immediately gives me away.

"You where the one on the phone?" He asks me.

I nod.

"Yeah, but I had a cloth over my mouth to not give away myself, I'm not stupid", I giggle. "Surprised?"

Peeta laughs and nod.

"Very, and impressed, I must say", he says.

"But what are you waiting for? Blow out the candles and wish something", I say.

Peetas hands sneaks around my waist.

"I already have everything I ever wished for".

Liar, I thing to myself.

Peeta wants kids. I know he does. He's trying to convince me that he doesn't though, but he can't fool me. I know that he wants kids. So he can't possibly have everything he ever wished for.

But we can't go into that now, so I just kiss his cheek.

"Come on, there's gotta be something", I insists. "Now blow out the candles".

Peeta chuckles as he leans down a bit, still with his hands around my waist, when he's close to the candles he stops in his moves and stands like that for a few seconds before closing his eyes and blowing out the candles.

Immediately when the candles are blown out, the lamps are turned on and I see Haymitch stand by the switch, smiling.

I look down at the cake. I see the text. The one I told Peeta to write without him knowing it was me. He's writing is so incredibly beautiful and stylish, but he's a painter so no surprise there.

"Happy birthday to the love of my life. The one who holds me during bad days. Happy birthday to my rock. I'm gonna love you forever and always. Happy birthday baby, I love you", I read aloud, then looking up at Peeta.

He smirk at me with his eyes glisten with love.

"I love you too babe, thank you for all of this", he says.

"You're worth so much more than this Peeta", I say and hug him.

Peeta hugs me tight, like he never wants to let me go. And he don't. He don't need to, and I don't want him too.

Peeta cuts up a slice of cake and we share it. The others takes cake. And every one, but Finn, moans like it's the best thing they've ever tasted.

"God, Katniss how can you live with Peeta and still look so slim?" Johanna moans with her mouth full of cake.

"It's hard, believe me, but I've learned to have control over myself", I laugh and Peeta chuckles. 

"Well brainless, maybe you do have a little bit of brain anyways", Johanna says, cutting another very big slice of cake and puts it on her plate.



Heeey you guys, I'm like really happy today and I don't even know why xD

Anyways to make me even happier, please leave comments and votes ;)

I really do want to know what you thought about this chapter :)

So please don't forget to vote and comment you guys :)

-Josephine xx

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