Chapter 43: High thoughts

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Chapter 43


I've actually never seen Stella this happy.

She doesn't let go of mine and Peetas hands, so she walks between us.

I look at Peeta. He looks at me and we both smile looking down at Stella.

Annie walks beside me with the picnic bag in her hands, looking at me with the biggest smile.

"What?" I whisper to her.

"I'm gonna talk to you later" she whispers back.

"Alright then", I say, and she smiles even bigger.

I have a pretty good guess and I just laugh at the thought of it.

Finn is running in front of us. He runs in circles and pretends that he's a hovercraft but once in a while he looks back at us and waits until we come up to him, and then he runs off again.

"Finn Odair! Take it easy!" Annie shouts and Finn slows down.

It's incredible how much Finn listens to his mother. Even if he's so little, he has so much respect for Annie. I guess that he has started to understand that she's all he has. Apart from me and Peeta, and he and Peeta have a strong bond, anyone can see it. But Annie is his only parent, and even now when he's so little he's a bit protective over Annie. Like yesterday when she slipped, he ran straight up to her, asking how she was and if she got hurt and if we should go to the hospital. I think it's cute how he's four years old and is trying to look after his mother.

Suddenly Finn changes his steps and runs towards us instead.

He crashes straight into Annies legs he hugs them tight.

"I love you mommy", he says.

"Oh I love you too sweetheart", Annie says, stroking Finns hair.

Stella lets go of my hand and picks up Finn.

"Stella! I love you too", Finn laughs, but he means it, anyone can hear it at the tone of his voice.

"Yeah I love you too Finny", she says and walks ahead of us.

I take Peetas hand in mine and he kisses my cheek.

"Those two are like brother and sister", Annie says in awe.

"Yeah, they really are, Stella is really trying to look after Finn", Peeta says.

"Yeah, I'm really looking forward to see those two grow up together", Annie says. "And when the adoption is done, she's going to be his god-sister, I love that you two are going to adopt Stella".

"Me too", Peeta says.

"Me three", I say, causing the other two to laugh.

Peeta kisses my cheek, and I close my eyes, feeling the electricity flow from my cheek to the rest of my body, like always when Peetas lips touches any part of my body. You heard me. Any part.

Stella spins around with Finn and he roars with laughter. He gets all red in his face. Stella slows down and walks and we see how she kisses his nose and he gives her a big wet kiss on the cheek.

When we arrive to the meadow, Felice, Pollux and Michelle are already sitting there in the grass with the sun streaming down on them.

"Aunt Felice!" Both Finn and Stella shouts and Stella runs up to Felice with Finn still in her arms.

They both tackle Felice to her back, but they are pretty careful, they know that she has a baby inside her belly.

Peeta, Annie and I arrive up to them.

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