Chapter 56: Need to find out

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Chapter 56


"I start to pack the picnic..." Hunter gets interrupted by a scream.

Everyone jumps and starts to look around after the person who screamed.

After a few seconds I realize that Sunny was the one screaming, because now she screams again.

"What is it? What's wrong Sun? What happened?" Rye asks as the protective brother he is.

Rye is still the most overprotective brother. He hasn't forgotten what happened when we went in school. And I still can see pictures of a brused and bloody Rye after he beat up the guys who said mean or nasty things to me. He did get bloody, but I always helped him to clean himself up and he hid the bruises from Mama and Papa. It's wasn't smart of us to keep that away from Mama and Papa for so long, and then tell them when we thought we were going to die.

I look at Sunny, but suddenly I feel something wet beside me.

"Oh my god! Her water broke!"

"Wait what?!" Damien screams and jumps up in his feet with Savannah in his arms. "We need to get her to the hospital!"

And that's what we do.

We all run out of the house and towards the hospital.

Immediately when we get there, the staff takes her away and only Damien is allowed to go with.

We sit down in the waiting room with Savannah.

Savannah is a copy of Sunny, and that makes her a complete copy of Mama as well. I'm alike Mama of course, but still everyone knows what I have that Mama didn't. And that's blue eyes. Everyone already knows that I got them from Papa.

I took the book with me. Hunter now sees it.

"Didn't want to leave it?" He asks.

"How could I do that?" I ask, and smile.

And how could I? I need to know what happens. I need to know what happens to Stella, and why we never met her or heard about her. Why have Mama and Papa kept her a secret? I mean they obviously loved her, and they did adopt her, which makes her our sister.

"I need to find out what happened", I say, looking down at the book. "I need to get answers. Why haven't we heard about this Stella, when she's clearly a Mellark, just like us, I mean, come one, she's our sister, I have a big sister, and I always thought that I was the eldest, but apparently I'm a little sister to someone as well, I need to know why we didn't knew about her until now!"

I have tears streaming down my face.

I didn't mean to get so emotional, but really, I don't think anyone would judge me, I mean I just found out that I have a big sister.

Savannah can walk somewhat good even though she's only one, but very, very clumsy, she runs up to Julie and she carry her up.

Savannah often seeks herself to either P.J or Julie. They're the oldest of the cousins. Julie is twelve, so there is an age difference between them, but again, it is between me and Sunny as well, I'm ten years older then Sunny, so of course it's an age difference between our kids. Not so much between mine and Rye's though. I mean, between P.J and Katniss it's five years and between Katniss and Julie, it's two years, so not that much.

It's crazy how much alike Savannah and Sunny are. I mean I remember exactly how Sunny looked like when she was one, and oh my god, there is no difference at all between the two of them. I'm not kidding.

When I look at Savannah I remember when Sunny almost got kidnapped. When Rye and I got to her room just in time. How I grabbed Sunny, trying to save her. How I held on to her for dear life after I got her. How scared I was to lose my baby sister.

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