Chapter 9: We remain

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Chapter 9


Paylor assigned me a room and now I'm sitting in a chair and reading the news paper, but I throw it across the room. I hate it. The only thing they write about is me and Peeta! And I don't like that.

The door opens and the newspaper smashes right into Flavius face and he nods, like this happens all the time. I hit my hand to my mouth not to laugh. Octavia laughs though.

"Maybe I deserved that", he says, looking down at the paper.

"Oh I'm so sorry Flavius", I say choked, still trying to keep my laugh down. "I didn't know you were coming this early".

"Humf", Flavius sighs.

"Katniss, why do you have a cardigan on your head?" Venia asks, walking up to me.

Okay so what do I say to them? They're going to get really mad, I mean they always get angry if I do something with my looks without them knowing and approve it. Of course this wasn't suppose to happen, and it wasn't my fault, but I trusted Effie, which was my choice, so technically this was my fault.

"Okay don't get mad..." I say to Octavia. She's usually the one fixing my hair.

"What did you do Katniss?" She asks suspiciously walking up to me as well.

I put my hands up to cover my face as they pull off the cardigan and gasps.

"I KNOW MY HAIR IS BLUE!" I burst out.

"How?!" Octavia asks horrified.

"It wasn't my fault", I say. "It was Effie, Effie did this, she insisted on using one of her own shampoos, but it wasn't after my hair turned blue, I realized that it had to be the shampoo she use to wash her wigs with!"

"Oh Katniss, how could you let her..." Octavia begins but I interrupt her.

"I had a tough day yesterday okay, and she was a big support to me and so I didn't want to argue withher", I say, not wanting get into the details about what happened.

"Okay, well, maybe we can get back your hair colour", Flavius says, trying to stay calm, but I know that he's really upset.

"Oh please", I say. "Please, please, please, please make my hair normal again, because otherwise I'm sure I'm gonna kill Haymitch, he's really enjoying this!"

"We can try, but we can't promise you anything", Octavia says.

I sigh. Oh god. I can't get up on stage in Caesars show with blue hair. I just can't.

"Ohh... This is a nightmare..." I mumble.

They start ripping my clothes off, and they have seen me naked so many times that I don't really care, to be honest, I'm just getting frustrated because this is after all my assistants, and even if I can stand them now, they just won't stop talking. It just drives me crazy!

Oh well, they're my only hope right now, so I just gotta shut up.


I'm standing backstage. I'm the only one here. No one else has arrived yet. But suddenly hear someone behind me.


I spin around and see Johanna walking up to me in a gold strapless dress with her hair in a short tassel. Her hair has come a long way, it's still short though.

"Johanna!" I shout as I hug her.

It surprises me that I actually hug her, but what's even more surprising is that she hugs me back. Johanna Mason is actually hugging me back.

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